lsof can be gotten at (that according to Bruce on 12-27-2002) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Notes on Building lsof 4.33 on 6-15-1998. - mkdir lsof ;cd lsof - Get lsof from Warning!! I had to do this a half dozen times before I got the whole tar file over. Network problems?? If a gzip -d < lsof.tar.gz | tar tvf - works ok, then you've probably got it all. - gzip -d < lsof.tar.gz | tar xvf - - tar xf lsof_4.33.tar - Configure aix - Answered "y" to all their questions except for "Do you want to customize?" - make Unfortunately, when running as root, I get an immediate Segmentation fault(coredump), while Dale's version at /local/bin/lsof seems to work, but a /local/bin/lsof -i -n gets a bunch of "... can't read inpcb at 0x180aee44" messages, so that one isn't completely healthy either.