To query what the default umask is for files you would "put", site umask AIX's default is 027, which means all files wind up with rw- r-- --- permissions. To change it for this ftp session, you can site umask 022 To change it permanently for a particular receiving machine, (e.g. Rebecca changed penguin's on 3/30/2001), append a -u 003 or whatever you want, to the end of the ftp line in /etc/inetd.conf, eg ftp stream tcp6 nowait root /usr/sbin/ftpd ftpd -u 003 and refresh -s inetd ------------------------------------------------------------------------ To ftp on AIX from/to VM, ftp almvma or if you forget the almvma, type open almvma at the ftp> prompt. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ftp commands | Remote System | Local System -----------------------+------------------+----------------- Change target | cd jasper0.191 | lcd List Files | dir *.aixnotes | !ls | ls | !ls -l Show current directory | pwd | !pwd Erase files | rmdir | !rmdir Rename file | rename | !mv ------------------------------------------------------------------------ globbing: - The append & put ftp commands perform file-name expansion and then use only the first file name generated. - The cd, delete, get, mkdir, rename, & rmdir commands do not perform file-name expansion and take the pattern-matching characters literally. Thus, get *.aixnotes doesn't work at all and gives an error message (501 Invalid file identifier. Use "name.type"). To act on/with multiple files with pattern-matching, use mput, mget, or mdelete. - The mput command expands locally. - The mget & mdelete commands are expanded at the remote machine. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Other commands -help -mdelete = Remote erase. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ To automate an ftp session, for example, doing it from a cron job, you need to have an ~/.netrc file with permission 600, with a "machine" line that matches the ftp command. For example, my eagle-beancounter-job on sycamore creates this .netrc file, - - - - - - - - Cut Here - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - machine eagle login root password needb0at <-- Or whatever the root password is. macdef init <-- macdef=Define a macro. init is the name of image a special macro that is always run. get /www/logs/storage/.last_week.access_log /var/tmp/junk quit <-- This null line ends the macro definition. - - - - - - - - Cut Here - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - After a chmod 600 ~/.netrc, you can ftp eagle.