Rick, to change the date of a file, use touch. There are two formats you can specify the date in. The first is touch [mmddhhmm[yy]] file(s) For example, touch 04221234 .profile or touch 0422123497 .profile The second is touch -t [[[CC]YY]MMDDhhmm[.SS]] file(s) For example, touch -t 04221234 .profile or touch -t 9704221234 .profile or touch -t 199704221234 .profile or touch -t 199704221234.56 .profile ----------------------------------------------------------- The AIX ls -l command returns e.g. Jul 25 2003 if the file is older than 180 days-1 hour, else Jul 25 20:20 This example file changed at January 21, 2004 at 19:20:01.