Use the -nolm option to avoid the C/C++ License Manager. =================================================================================== To install IBM's "XL C/C++ Enterprise Edition V8.0 for AIX" (5724-M12), as root on an AIX 5.3 system with the new sunas1's /dfs mounted, cd /dfs/software/base/C_C++.v8_For_AIX_5.3 smitty installp everything Then if you want the normal links in /usr/bin (what the old /usr/ibmcxx/bin/replaceCSET did), run the replaceCSET script I wrote from that directory: ./replaceCSET ln -s -- /usr/vac/bin/xlc /usr/bin/cc ln -s -- /usr/vac/exe/default_msg/vac.txt /usr/share/man/cat1/cc.1 ln -s -- /usr/vac/bin/xlc /usr/bin/cc_r ln -s -- /usr/vac/exe/default_msg/vac.txt /usr/share/man/cat1/cc_r.1 ln -s -- /usr/vac/bin/xlc /usr/bin/xlc ln -s -- /usr/vac/exe/default_msg/vac.txt /usr/share/man/cat1/xlc.1 ln -s -- /usr/vac/bin/xlc /usr/bin/xlc_r ln -s -- /usr/vac/exe/default_msg/vac.txt /usr/share/man/cat1/xlc_r.1 ln -s -- /usr/vac/bin/xlc /usr/bin/xlC ln -s -- /usr/vac/exe/default_msg/vac.txt /usr/share/man/cat1/xlC.1 ln -s -- /usr/vac/bin/xlc /usr/bin/xlC_r ln -s -- /usr/vac/exe/default_msg/vac.txt /usr/share/man/cat1/xlC_r.1 =================================================================================== Subroutines in C: static = Internal Use Only. Subroutine name is not exported to other modules. Symbol will be " t " in the output of a nm command. inline = This code can be "inlined" instead of making a subroutine call if the compiler chooses to do so. Symbol will not be in the output of a nm command. __init = This subroutine is defined elsewhere, e.g. void __init page_cache_init(unsigned long mempages) in mm/filemap.c Symbol will be "00000000 T" in the output of a nm command. =================================================================================== Object Modules - .o Files: Use nm to see symbols from the load map of an object file. Common Symbol Codes: Lowercase = The symbol is local. Uppercase = global. A = The symbol is Absolute and will never change b/B = Uninitialized Data Section (known as BSS - I dunno why.) d/D = Initialized Data Section n/N = Debugging Symbol r/R = Read/Only Data Section t/T = Text (Code) Section U = Symbol is Undefined FWIW, a Linux kernel has 7706 d symbols, 4571 t symbols, 3370 R symbols, 3128 T symbols, 606 b symbols, 525 D symbols, 310 B symbols, 57 r symbols, and 19 A symbols. =================================================================================== LXR is a neat tool to hyperlink C code can be found at The old project site is An example of its use can be seen at ===================================================================================