To get access to the external Bugzilla, Answer the "Username and Password Required" prompt with delphion and bugmen0w If prompted for an "E-mail address" and "Password", use and r-3 This info gets cookie'd, so you may not see this prompt. ===================================================================== For the internal bugzilla go to the Micropatent Bugzilla system in East Haven via "E-mail address" = "Password" = r-3 ===================================================================== The external bugzilla is hosted on (in)direct, which you can ssh -l root indirect The standard web server runs, so the conf file is /usr/HTTPServer/conf/httpd.conf which is a link to /ips/httpd.conf ===================================================================== Sander installed Bugzilla 2.10 back in January, 2001 and modified 4 files. See /ips/bugzilla-2.10/*orig. ===================================================================== See also my aixnotes/mysql for more detail on the Bugzilla database structure. For example, I changed my old e-mail address to by using this command, /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -e "update profiles set login_name='' where login_name='';" bugs (I think)