To control the web servers at the BIE, /arc/ips/config/websrv_int/apachectl /arc/ips/config/regplus/apachectl /arc/ips/config/websrv_ext/apachectl /arc/ips-test/config/test_ext/apachectl /arc/ips-test/config/test_int/apachectl - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The log files are located at /arc/ips/logs ???????? I don't know which web server this one is !!! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NIPO's file system are kinda strange. On spn07, /arc is its own file system and /ips is a link into /arc/ips. But on spn09, it's just the opposite -- /ips is its own file system with /arc being a directory in rootvg, consisting of mount points for 3 individual file systems (/arc/convdata, /arc/idx, or /arc/ixos) or links into /ips. Some files exist in both places, e.g. the loading tool exists at /arc/ips/cgi-bin/admin/loading.cmd on both systems, but if you follow the sym-links around, they are in two diffent directories, On spn07, it's really at /arc/ips/cgi-binv5/admin/loading.cmd and on spn09, it's really at /ips/httpd/cgi-binv5/admin/loading.cmd It would have been better all around if there were only an /ips file system on both systems (no /arc), and one were a NFS-mount of the other. The locally read-write places (eg /ips/sockets or /ips/tmp), could be links to some local file system. Oh, well. Here's a snapshot as of 5-20-2003, spn07 spn09 ==================================== ===================================== /arc = Own File System /arc = Directory in rootvg /arc/bin -> /arc/ips/bin consisting /arc/bin -> /ips/bin consisting of of importpat, patreq, Image server binaries, arcps link, supercp, chk2TNA, anyinfo, browsidx link, pdftops, bib*idx, pat*start & pat*stop scripts, any2any, apachectl ... any2any, apachectl /arc/coll = Verity Collections /arc/convdata = NFS Mount of spn09's /arc/convdata = Own File System /arc/convdata /arc/converters -> /ips/converters /arc/idx = Own File System consisting Image Server index files (*____.idx), jukebox.parm /arc/ips = /arc/ips -> /ips/httpd /arc/ips-test = Test Web Servers /arc/ixos = Own File System /arc/releases /arc/releases -> /ips/releases /arc/tmp /arc/tmp -> /ips/tmp