Bob Oesterlin said on 5/11/95 that the new tar file for AFSRCMDS is in /afs/ In that directory is also afsrcmds.readme. Read before installing. Bob also said on 5/17/95 that there's now a Beta AFS-Authenticated dtlogin (CDE Desktop login) for AIX 4.1 in /afs/ There are 2 files, dtlogin41.afs.readme - Install Instructions (READ FIRST!) and dtlogin41.afs.tar - the code itself Bob said on 7/27/95 that the latest is in the same directory, /afs/ and are dtlogin412.afs.tar - For AIX 4.1.2 dtlogin413.afs.tar - For AIX 4.1.3 Note that this is still beta code and BE SURE and read /afs/ Before you install. It also tells you how to change the lock under CDE to use the AFS-modified xlock. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Another pointer to an afs_install tool came from the afs forum, /afs/ It looks promising. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (- These first two steps are done from a machine that already has AFS installed) 1. Copy the following directory to /var/vice > mkdir /var/vice > cd /var/vice > cp -r /afs/ . 2. Set up the .rhosts file to allow step 5. below to work. > xhosts target (?) or vi .rhosts (- The rest of these steps are done on the target machine that you're installing afs on) 3. Create the /var/vice/cache filesystem using smitty > crfs -v jfs -g'rootvg' -a size='40960' -m'/var/vice/cache' -A'yes' -p'rw' > -t'no' -a frag='4096' -a nb 4. Mount this filesystem > mount /dev/lv00 /var/vice/cache 5. Copy the following files from a machine(xxxx) with AFS running (I don't know why the files have to be in both places) (- Tom said, the normal place for this stuff is /usr/vice, but he modified the norm, evidently by making /usr/vice a symbolic link to /var/vice.) > rcp xxxx:/usr/vice/etc/ThisCell /usr/vice/etc > rcp xxxx:/var/vice/etc/ThisCell /var/vice/etc > rcp xxxx:/usr/vice/etc/CellServDB /usr/vice/etc > rcp xxxx:/var/vice/etc/CellServDB /var/vice/etc > rcp xxxx:/usr/vice/etc/cacheinfo /usr/vice/etc > rcp xxxx:/var/vice/etc/cacheinfo /var/vice/etc 6. Run the following commands > cd /var/vice/etc/dkload > ./cfgexport -a export.ext > ./cfgafs -a afs.ext These should complete without any error messages! 7. Run the fullowing command to start afs > /var/vice/etc/afsd -verbose & 8. The final thing to do is edit the rc files to start afs when you reboot. > Step 6 and 7 must be run at boottime.