X server on my laptop 2-13-2006 I installed cygwin (the setup.exe link on www.cygwin.com) which by default, did NOT include the X server. I had to also download and install the xorg-x11-xwin: Cygwin/X X server (I think that was the package that had the xserver in it). Just follow the "Cygwin/X Home" link from www.cygwin.com and click the setup.exe link you find on that page. To start up the X server, start a cygwin window Start -> Programs -> Cygwin -> Cygwin Bash Shell In that shell, enter startx xhost + You can then start X clients on your laptop by export DISPLAY=raj:0.0 <-- Not needed if using SecureCRT xclock & ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Use xwininfo to determine the geometry setting of an existing window. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ To authorize anybody to connect to your X server, xhost + But Darrel Long said a long time ago that xhost was insecure and that xauth was better. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ To restart the X-window, which by the way is /usr/lpp/X11/bin/X, hit Ctrl-Alt-Backspace. ---->>> Do not simply get back to the green screen & logout. ---->>> Since you start up X with an open xinit, the X-server ---->>> "divorces" itself from the initial shell. Thus, ---->>> killing the initial shell doesn't kill X. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Background: The X-server controls the keyboard & mouse & screen, contrasted to the window manager (mwm) that is simply an X client (remember Sam's lecture?), albiet a special client, *the* one and only special client that's identified itself to X as the window manager. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you ever have trouble with :0.0, say you can't write to jasper:0.0 from another machine even though that machine is in xhost, then perhaps you're not using 0. echo $DISPLAY and see what it is. One day, I was using jasper:1.0. Turns out there was extra junk in /tmp/.X11-unix, namely /tmp/.X11-unix/X0, ...X2, and ...X3. When the X-server comes up, it looks in this directory and assigns the first unused display number it can to the console, in this case it was 1. So I was jasper:1.0, not :0.0 like normal. The solution was to just erase the other files and restart the x-server. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ To see the list of colors available & defined to X, see the rgb.txt file, in /usr/lpp/X11/lib/X11/rgb.txt. To see the list of fonts available, you can either type xlsfonts or look in /usr/lpp/X11/lib/X11/fonts. The files here will all be compressed pcf files, i.e. Rom10.iso1.pcf.Z, which you use with aixterm for example, via aixterm -fn Rom10.iso1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ To merge changes recently made to your ~/.Xdefaults file, xrdb -merge .Xdefaults There's also xrdb -q | grep -i gsc for example, to see what's in effect, xrdb -f to flush everything ------------------------------------------------------------------------ From my .xinitrc years ago, xset s 1800 # Set screen-saver timeout value to 30 minutes. # Default was 600 seconds (10 minutes). xset b 66 50 40 # Set bell pitch to 50 Mhz and duration to 40 milliseconds. # Default was 400 Mhz & 100 milliseconds. You can use xset q to see what the current setting is and just xset to see some help text.