The below text came in a note from Joachim Schneider on 11-3-2004, detailing how Rebecca and I are suppose to log on and fix things if/when TPS is sick. To login, /usr/local/bin/ssh -l develop or /usr/local/bin/ssh -l develop password is tmt1Wtd! ("There's more than one way to do it! from the Perl book) Root's password is 9PhylaX, in case you need it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Check the Apache web server: ============================ ps -ef|grep apache Should show a bunch of /usr2/apache2/bin/httpd processes. The log files are in /usr2/apache2/logs To restart, su - root (password is 9PhylaX) cd /usr2/apache2/bin ./apachectl restart or ./apachectl startssl ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1) Which Processes Are Running On The TPS ====================================== marge01eu:~> ps -ef | grep /opt/jdk develop 6274 1 3 09:52:48 2:06 /opt/jdk1.4/bin/java -Xmx400M -Djava... develop 5159 1 0 Oct 29 6:45 /opt/jdk1.4.2_05/bin/java -Xmx256m -Djava... root 14540 1 0 Sep 28 9008:31 /opt/jdk1.4/bin/java -Xmx320M -Djava... The process with ID 6274 is the main Tomcat server that handles all requests for patent images and the like. It can be identified by the -Xmx400M switch. Process ID 5159 is a second Tomcat server that only handles DAJ requests. It can be identified by the JDK it uses: /opt/jdk1.4.2_05 Process ID 14540 (started as root) is james, our mail server. It is used by both Tomcats to send emails to customers. When using ps to search for java processes ps -ef | grep java, you might see other processes like this: develop 17004 17002 0 Oct 13 1:07 java Log DE1206464 ... These are separate processes that are used by some services to deliver PDF documents by email asynchronously. 2 HOW TO RESTART THE MAIN TOMCAT SERVER ===================================== Simply login as the develop userid (pw=tmt1Wtd!) to each of the marges and use srst to restart the servlet engines. (There's also srstmm, which sends reset requests to both marges.) Note: only the crashed servlet engine has to be restarted, if marge01us is alive, there's no need to restart this servlet engine. Restarting takes about 30 to 45 seconds so this should only be done when necessary. To test any of the marges use the following URLs: &charon:service=patent_information_pdf&patentnumber=DE_1980123 &charon:service=patent_information_pdf&patentnumber=DE_1980123 The result should be: This checks the main tomcat server and the database connection to raid.done. 3 TOMCAT DIRECTORIES ================== /usr2/servlet/jakarta-tomcat/ = Base directory for Tomcat ./conf = Configuration directory < cd $servlet/conf > ./logs = Logfile directory ./portal = Base directory for most of the servlets (like Availability...) ./axis = First web service implementation (used by Delphion) ./webapps/charon = Base directory for charon servlet As charon only dispatches requests to the next servlet in the chain, most of the work is done using servlets in the portal web application. All the portal servlets used by charon reside in the package All servlets that charon uses use commons-pool for pooling database connections, they are called ScanDB and PoolDB and are defined in the server.xml of the servlet engine. The most interesting log in the logs directory is catalina.out, all system output is redirected to this file and most of the commons-logging for the web services you're using is there. Other interesting are the daily rolling portal.log files and charon.log files.