Does anyone have a link or info. that compares Intel pentium based CPU to a IBM rs/6000 Power Pc RS64 chip? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The base instruction of the IBM PowerPC uses IEEE floating-point numbers. The base instruction of the Intel microprocessor uses integers. The Intel microprocessor has IEEE floating-point instructions, but whether they are used is dependent upon the program being executed. So, right from the very base, the microprocessors are very difficult to compare. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I haven't looked for this particular comparison, but when I want to compare apples and oranges I can usually find what I'm looking for at They have published fixed point, floating point, web server, NFS and other benchmark results for various processors and systems. Note that the results are provided by the vendors themselves, so compiler options and other tunables were tweaked to provide the best possible result. Another good site for comparing true workload throughput is