C++ documentation for IBM's xlC compiler can be found at http://www.nersc.gov/vendor_docs/ibm/vac/sc094959.pdf?PHPSESSID=38677ef244cb1818cd2dd7671d2c2b20 For example, to compile Eric's yb2mtif2 C++ module, Eric does cd ~/ipn-CVS/converters/yellowbook2 xlC -qrtti -c yb2mtif2.cpp xlC -qrtti -lioc yb2mtif2.o -o yb2mtif2 -qrtti Generates run-time type identification (RTTI) information for the typeid operator and the dynamic_cast operator. -c Instructs the compiler to pass source files to the compiler only -lioc Specifies an additional search path for #include directives -o Specifies the output file --------------------------------------------------------------------- After installing the C and/or C++ compiler, to get the normal /usr/bin/cc (etc) links, you need to run as root, /usr/ibmcxx/bin/replaceCSET --------------------------------------------------------------------- Notes from when I installed C++ 3.6.6 from Toronto onto my jasper machine on April 16, 1999. Note that my old notes at http://w3/~jasper/aix43.install.notes.html no longer work. One cannot bring up http://w3.torolab.ibm.com/~khangura. Try http://w3.torolab.ibm.com/~aixcpp instead. One can however, ftp to their site, which is what I did. mkdir ~/C++ (In my DFS home directory) cd ~/C++ ftp ftp3.torolob.ibm.com cd /pub/vac++/aix-v3.6 which had -rw-r--r-- 1 8718 1 255,907,181 Mar 12 1999 CCpp.3.6.6ptfs.tar.Z -rw-r--r-- 1 8718 1 1,036 Jan 22 1999 CCpp36.fixes.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 8718 1 1,369 Jan 22 1999 PTFs36.txt -r-xr-xr-x 1 8718 1 1,019 Jan 22 1999 cxx36_c.lic -r-xr-xr-x 1 8718 1 981 Jan 22 1999 cxx36_cn.lic -rw-r--r-- 1 8718 1 236 Jan 22 1999 readme.txt Then, I get readme.txt which said to get the CCpp.3.6.6ptfs.tar.Z file, which I did. bin get CCpp.3.6.6ptfs.tar.Z quit To uncompress & untar, zcat CCpp.3.6.6ptfs.tar.Z | tar -xvf - This took up 450 MB, so be prepared. I then installed most everything (I think I could have installed everything painlessly, but at the time, I wanted to insure I didn't get any of the foreign language files). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To get to the documentation, one could point a *local* web browser to file:///usr/ibmcxx/html/en_US/doc/index.html Dale wanted to install the C++ documentation on some server machine for Bruce Lindsay, so we spent quite a bit of time figuring out how we might do that. To not lose all that we learned, here are some tidbits. By default, all this documentation stuff is set up to only work for a local web browser on your system, since you had to use a "file: ..." URL to get into it. We wanted to make it usable by anybody in the lab, so we had to fix 2 things. 1) Get a web server to serve from the /usr/ibmcxx/html/en_US/doc directory. I had the Apache web server installed on my machine, jasper, but not running, so I modified the Apache configuration file, /usr/lpp/HTTPServer/etc/httpd.conf, to change in 2 places the document root from /usr/lpp/HTTPServer/share/htdocs to /usr/ibmcxx/html/en_US/doc. I then started up the Apache web server, via a /usr/lpp/HTTPServer/sbin/apachectl start command. 2) Get the search stuff working from any machine. The "SEARCH" button calls /usr/ibmcxx/html/en_US/doc/hgsearch.htm, which calls /usr/ibmcxx/html/en_US/doc/hgssrch.htm, which has a form that calls as its ACTION, http://localhost:49213/cgi-bin/cppsrch.exe. I changed the ACTION in /usr/ibmcxx/html/en_US/doc/hgssrch.htm to http://jasper.almaden.ibm.com:49213/... instead. The daemon that's listening to port 49213, is the httpdlite daemon, which has its configuration file at /etc/IMNSearch/httpdlite/httpdlite.conf. The problem with using the SEARCH button was the daemon was only listening to connections from the local machine. I modified /etc/IMNSearch/httpdlite/httpdlite.conf by uncommenting the "Hostname" line and making it read HostName jasper.almaden.ibm.com so that the httpdlite daemon would accept connections from anywhere. After the above steps, one can then C (pun intended) the C++ documentation using http://jasper.almaden.ibm.com