Hang after POST / Future Domain fast SCSI

PROBLEM - Valuepoint systems hang after POST when a Future Domain fast SCSI adapter P/N 82G4879 is installed and attached to an IBM 2456 scanning device.

Machines AFFECTED - 6382/S, 6384/D, and 6387/T (all VP2 models)

A new EP ROM from Future Domain with updated BIOS code is required to fix this problem. the EP ROM is located on the fd SCSI adapter. BIOS versions of 2.01 or earlier are affected and need to be updated to version 2.02. Version levels are printed on a label stuck onto the eprom. The new EP ROM is available from Future Domain.

Obtain and install the new EP ROM with level 2.02 or later BIOS code. The part is available from Future Domain and can be obtained by calling (407)995-1900 and requesting the latest level BIOS EP ROM that fixes the IBM 2456 scanning device problems.

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