IEEE adapter incompatibility / fast VP

PROBLEM - An incompatibility may occur if an adapter card which was designed to run at the slower IEEE specification is installed in some Valuepoint machines. The IBM at bus timing specification allows adapters designed to this at spec to run with enhanced performance over those designed to the IEEE spec. Failures such as failure to recognize device, system hangs, diagnostic errors may be seen by the user.

Machines AFFECTED - All 6382/S, 6384/D, and 6387/T's with adapters designed to the IEEE bus timing specification.

SOLUTION - A new riser card is available from IBM to fix this problem. the riser card
FRU part numbers are:

- 82G3507 (3x3 system)

- 82G3509 (5x5 system)

- 82G3511 (8x6 system)

Additional Information - known adapters that may exhibit this bus timing problem are as follows:

In the case of the Future Domain 16 bit SCSI adapter, a new 16 bit adapter will be introduced by Future Domain in november 93 that will also fix this problem.

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