Symptom-to-FRU Index

Symptom-to-FRU Index

This index supports Type 3523 Fibre Channel Hub and GBICs.
The Sympton-to-FRU lists symptoms, error, and the possible causes.
The most likely cause is listed first.

NOTE: Always start with the General Checkout.
For IBM devices not supported by this index, refer to the manual for that device.

NOTE: Do Not look directly into any fiber cable or GBIC optical output.
To view an optical signal, use a mirror to view the reflected light.

Problem    FRU/Action
   GBIC installed in one or 1. Power cord
   more ports but no LED is lit. 2. Power source
   GBIC installed but only the 1. Reseat GBIC
   amber LED is lit. 2. GBIC
   GBIC installed and both    The hub is not receiving a valid Fibre Channel signal
   green and amber LEDs are lit.    from the end node. Do the following:
  1. Unplug the fiber cable from the node and, using a mirror,
      verify that an optical signal is present on the cable receiver lead.
      If no red light is visible, replace the cable.
  2. Using a mirror, examine the SC connectors on the HBA or disk controller.
      If no red light is visible on the transmitter lead, do one of the
      a. Restart the device.
      b. Reinstall the device drivers.
      c. Check the HBA or disk controller.
  3. If a light is present on both the cable lead and the end node, check the
      HBA or the disk controller.
   GBIC is installed, only the    The hub is receiving a valid Fibre Channel signal from the
   green LED is lit, but no    end device, but no upper-level protocols are active.
   communications occurs 1. Verify that the proper loaded for the appropriate operating
   between the devices.     system and that the host has been configured to recognize the
      attached disk devices.
  2. Unplug the fiber cable from the end node and verify that an optical
      signal is present on the cable receiver lead.
      If no signal is present, the receiver lead of the cable might be
      defective and the device is streaming loop-down sequences to the hub.
      Replace the cable.

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