Converting a New Disk Drive to a Free Resource

Converting a New Disk Drive to a Free Resource

A new disk drive is one that has not been used previousely by the same type of system as that in which it is now installed. Before a new disk can be attached to the system, it must be in the free state.

  1.  Start the SSA Configurator and Service Aids utility (see 'Starting the SSA Configurator Functions')
  2.  From the Main menu, select SSA Adapter List
     The SSA Adapter List Window opens.
  3.  Select the required adapter from the SSA Adapter List.
     The Adapter Menu window opens:
  4.  Select New Disks from the Adapter menu.
  5.  If a list of new disk drives is displayed, go to step 6.
     If no list is displayed go to step 7.
  6.  For each disk drive you want to attach to the system, put  the cursor against its name and press Delete. Its name disappears from  the list. That disk drive is now in the free  state
  7.  Return to the Adapter menu by pressing Esc.
  8.  If you want to display a list of disk drives that are in the free state,  select Free Resources from the Adapter menu. A list of disk drives that are  on the selected adapter and in the free state is displayed.

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