Setting SCSI IDs

Setting SCSI IDs

The PC Server 325 Type 8639 supports SCSI IDs 0 to 15. ID 7 is reserved for the Ultra SCSI controller. The scanning sequence for preinstalled SCSI devices proceeds from the lowest SCSI ID to the highest, starting with 0.

For 16-bit devices, set the IDs to any unused number between 8 and 15. For 8-bit devices, set the IDs to any unused number between 0 and 6.

The preinstalled SCSI CD-ROM drive is shipped with the SCSI ID set to 3. If the server is shipped with a SCSI hard disk, it's SCSI ID will be set to 6.

Refer to the instructions supplied with the SCSI devices for information about setting a SCSI ID.

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