SCSI Disk Utilities (Server 315, 330)

SCSI Disk Utilities

To see the IDs that are assigned to each SCSI device or to format a SCSI device, select SCSI Disk Utilities from the SCSISelect utility program menu.

To use the utility program, select a drive from the list. Read the screens carefully before making a selection.

NOTE: If the following screen displays, you might have pressed Ctrl+A before the selected drives spun up. Restart the server and watch the SCSISelect messages as each drive spins up. After the drive that you want to view or format spins up, press Ctrl+A.

 |               Unexpected SCSI Command Failure            |
 |                                                          |
 | Target SCSI ID:            4                             |
 | SCSI CDB Sent:             03 00 00 00 0E 00 07 00 02 00 |
 | Host Adapter Status:       00h - No host adapter error   |
 | Target Status:             02h - Check condition         |
 | Sense Key:                 02h - Not ready               |
 | +Sense Code:               04h                           |
 | +Sense Code Qualifier:     02h                           |
 |                                                          |
 |                 Press 'Esc' to continue.                 |

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