CPC092292 The Complete FAX and FAX 9624 Faxing from Professional Write This document is provided as "For your information" and as is. Neither The Complete PC nor any of it's employees assume any responsibility for consequences resulting from the use of the following information nor can the Complete PC technical support provide help with this document. The user of said information does so at his or her own risk. The HotKey function of CFAX will not work with Professional Write. You will still be able to send Professional Write documents from the Complete Fax using the print to disk feature in Professional Write. Printing to Disk When printing to disk using Professional Write all character formatting codes (bold, underline, italic, etc.) are removed from the document. Paragraph formatting (center, left justify, right justify, etc.) is retained. To print do disk using Professional Write, do the following: Choose "Print Working Copy" from the file menu. Select "Disk File" from the "Print to" portion of the print options screen. Name the file. For ease of use you should have Professional Write place the print file in the CFAX (C:\CFAX) directory and the file should also have a .PRN extension (example: C:\CFAX\FAXFILE.PRN). After printing to disk you can go directly to The Complete FAX's Send Faxes screen, enter the filename (example: C:\CFAX\FAXFILE.PRN) and CFAX will automatically convert and send the file.