CPC091692 327.DOC The Complete FAX Dip Switch Settings This document is provided as "For your information" and as is. Neither The Complete PC nor any of it's employees assume any responsibility for consequences resulting from the use of the following information nor can the Complete PC technical support provide help with this document. The user of said information does so at his or her own risk. Changing the I/O address The first three DIP switches are used to set the I/O address. The following chart shows you how to set the CFAX switches for different I/O settings. Switch 1 2 3 I/0 Address UP UP UP 220-227 UP UP DN 260-267 UP DN UP 2A0-2A7 UP DN DN 2E0-2E7 (default) DN UP UP 320-327 DN UP DN 360-367 DN DN UP 3A0-3A7 DN DN DN 3E0-3E7 I/O address 3E0 is a good choice which rarely causes a conflict.