CPC101992 The Complete FAX and FAX 9624 Faxing from Q&A This document is provided as "For your information" and as is. Neither The Complete PC nor any of it's employees assume any responsibility for consequences resulting from the use of the following information nor can the Complete PC technical support provide help with this document. The user of said information does so at his or her own risk. There are two ways in which CFAX and Q&A can be used together. Reports and documents. Reports From the main menu, you will select R. If the report you wish to fax has already been defined, you can skip to the next paragraph. If you need to define a new report, go ahead and design your report keeping the following things in mind. If the total width of your report lines is to be wider than 80 columns, you will need to use compressed mode print. See Appendix E in your fax manual for the control codes. Test your report to your printer, and make sure it has all the information sorted and placed the way you want them. When you are ready to fax the report, go through the same motions, only when asked if you have any temporary changes, select YES. When shown the table of print options, where it says Print to... select Disk. It will prompt you for the file name to print to. Give it a meaningful file name in your CFAX subdirectory like this: C: \CFAX\MONTHEND. PRN Documents You can fax out your documents from Q&A by using the HotKey (AIt F), or you can print your document to DISK and then convert and send. Which one you choose depends upon whether you want to keep the document for permanent use in a fax library, or if this fax document is a one-time document that will not be used further outside of the word processing environment where it was created. Note: When converting to fax from Q & A, sometimes the converted fax does not put in a page break. (The recipient of the file will get a long fax instead of 2 pages.) To force the page break in the converted file, change the print options within Q & A: Printer Control Codes: 27, 67, 66 This will work for all "new" Q & A files. Consult your Q & A manual regarding instructions on modifying already generated Q & A files with the new Printer Control Codes.