CPC092292 319.DOC The Complete FAX and FAX 9624 Adding a Logo to the Cover Sheet This document is provided as "For your information" and as is. Neither The Complete PC nor any of it's employees assume any responsibility for consequences resulting from the use of the following information nor can the Complete PC technical support provide help with this document. The user of said information does so at his or her own risk. If you would like to create a Graphic logo for your Cover Sheet from a PCX, CUT, or MSP file, follow the stops listed below. For our example, we will use a PCX file. You can use the same instructions for the other formats listed above. The .PCX file format must be the PC Paintbrush Plus format, not the original Paintbrush. Create a file in your application at 200 dpi name it, LOGO.PCX. CFAX needs two copies of FAXLOGO, one as standard, another as fine. To make it easier, at DOS make 2 copies of LOGO.PCX. One will be called FAXLOGOS.PCX, and one will be called FAXLOGOF.PCX. Enter CFAX Select Special Features Select Convert to FAX. Under the filename field, type in FAXLOGOS.PCX. Use P for file type S for Standard resolution. Press F3 to convert that file. Press enter to skip to the next line. Under the filename field type in FAXLOGOF.PCX. select P for file type, F for Fine resolution, Press P3 to convert that file. Now that the 2 files are converted, the extension for those files has changed. You have a FAXLOGOS.001 and a FAXLOGOF.001. Exit CFAX to DOS. At the C:\CFAX prompt, you need to rename these 2 files to the filename CFAX uses for the graphic logo. Rename FAXLOGOS.001 *.CFX and Press Enter. Rename FAXLOGOF.001 *.CFX and Press Enter. Now the 2 files are ready for use as a graphic logo for the Cover sheet. Enter CFAX. Select Special Features Select Fax Configuration. Press F3 for Cover Sheet set up. Toggle F4 to Graphic (even if it is already showing ''graphic", toggle it to Graphic once). Press F2 to display the graphic at the top of your Cover Sheet. If you do not see the LOGO or the LOGO is not displaying correctly check the following list for a solution: The logo is displayed but it is squished or elongated: The original graphic image needs to be created in a 200 dpi format. Check your application software manual for information about how to set the image size. There is no image displayed when F2 is pressed. Go to the C:\CFAX> prompt and try to display the LOGO there. To do this use the command CFAXVIEW FAXLOGOS.CFX and CFAXVIEW FAXLOGOF.CFX. If the file displays correctly here, but not in the program, one of the files was not updated correctly. To correct this problem copy FAXLOGS.CFX to CURLOGOS.CFX and FAXLOGOF.CFX to CURLOGOF.CFX The image appears but it is garbled characters, not the image I expect. Be sure the image you are starting with is one of the supported formats. PCX, MSP, or CUT. If the format is correct you may have missed one of the steps above. Try converting the files again following the instructions carefully. View the file after doing the convert to be sure it is in faxfile format before you continue.