Info-Zip's Unzip program When extracted unzip.exe appears Unzip: unz540x3.exe, free, 241 KB, version 5.40. An unzipper is essential; Unzip also works in a Win95 DOS box (get unz540x.exe if you don't have a 386 or better). (1) Create an Info-Zip directory (at the C:\> prompt, type md info-zip and Enter). (2) Put the unz540x3.exe file in it (use an internet download or copy from floppy). (3) At the DOS prompt type cd info-zip and Enter. Type unz540x3.exe and Enter; this will self-extract the contents. (4) Type copy unzip.exe C:\ and Enter. The file is in the root directory-- no need to modify the Path statement. Unzipping is easy! Example: for SAMPLE.ZIP in directory STUFF, cd to C:\stuff>, type unzip and Enter. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------