TODO: *add optional ramdisk (TDSK) for writable region Ramdisk would allow following things: +unzip NLS files in FILE_%lang%.ZIP to Ramdisk, then start install from there, would reduce number of small files used on cdrom as all language files used during install for a certain language are collected in 1 single zip-file. *Add more example entries, continue simplifying process to make easier the use of ISO image as bootable DOS for other software For examples see PQDI/PQMAGIC/OEMcmd -- other examples to add: Ghost, DOSVNC, X11, ? PERPETUAL TODOs: *fix any other bugs that popup [are discovered] *add/change all the other stuff I didn't get around to *ensure all programs have been updated (to that available) *ensure all licenses included in DOCS\LICENSE\ directory and no violations of any *update all programs and check UPX level for compressed programs. --8086 switch needs to be used; this in case you copy compressed executable to floppydisc and install them on a 8086 later on. (because 8086 is in FreeDOS specification as platform to run on) *ensure docs are updated, also see if anything new to add from fd-doc site *work on ATAPICDD.SYS so we can include/use it! [longterm] :-) *test with Bochs ( and VMWare NOT SUPPORTED: *switching to BootScriptor (unfortunately the license is too restrictive) *due to size (too big) complaints, try avoid most items that increase ISO size