SCSI HD replacement on Model 8556 Is there a listing of the procedure for replacing a SCSI drive for this machine. I would think it should be straightforward, but since this is a machine with an IML file (or whatever it's called) on disk I was wondering what needs to be done to transfer it to the new drive. This is a drive under 540Mg so ther are none of those problems to deal with. I understand the SCSI ID part fine and have no problems with any of the jumpering and cabeling. Simple enough, John: 1) Cold boot the system; 2) Hot reboot () and watch for the cursor to "jump" to the right side of the screen; 3) Immediately press the keys to access the IML partition; 4) Use the utility present to copy the partition out to floppy disks; 5) Replace the drive with the new one; then, 6) Use the diskettes to "restore" the IML partition to the new drive; 7) Fdisk and Format as usual. Hope this helps, John Johnson