PS/2 BIOS Microcode Update Disks NOTE: Use at your "own" risk. I will not be responsible for any damage that is caused by these files. The 9576 and 9577 FLASH Disk is for the 76i/s and 77i/s which have the Lacuna planar. Older Model 76 and 77 have the Bermuda planar which does *not* have FLASH BIOS. all at PUB/PCCBBS/PC-SERVER/ then the file name below Rev 05 IBM PS/2 90/95/PC Server 500 type 4 complex BIOS bios05.exe Rev 08 IBM PS/2 90/95/PC Server 500 type 4 complex BIOS 76h7644.exe (5/26/98) IBM PS/2 90/95/PC Server 500 Type-4 complex BIOS 01k7767.exe (4/30/99) IBM PS/2 90/95/PC Server 500 Type-4 complex BIOS 00n8671.exe