Additional Notes About Workgroup Connection and Microsoft Mail -------------------------------------------------------------- This document contains information about Workgroup Connection and Microsoft Mail that wasn't available when the Workgroup Connection User's Guide was printed. 1. NOTES ABOUT WORKGROUP CONNECTION 1.1 If you have an 8088 processor --------------------------------- You must use the basic redirector if your computer has an 8088 processor. The basic redirector is the default. 1.2 Setup is slow on some computers ----------------------------------- On some computers, particularly those with 8088 processors, Workgroup Connection Setup may appear to pause for as long as 5 minutes. Do not restart your computer. 1.3 Using Qualitas Maximize or Quarterdeck Optimize --------------------------------------------------- In some rare situations, Qualitas Maximize and Quarterdeck Optimize may attempt to load some Workgroup Connection commands into the upper memory area. If this causes problems, use Maximize or Optimize in manual mode and do not use it to load Workgroup Connection commands into the upper memory area. Workgroup Connection automatically loads its commands into the upper memory area, if there is enough space. For details on using manual mode, see your Maximize or Optimize documentation. 1.4 Workgroup Connection cannot be installed on DoubleDisk drive ---------------------------------------------------------------- You cannot use Workgroup Connection on a Vertisoft Systems DoubleDisk drive. You must install Workgroup Connection on another type of drive. 1.5 Making the pop-up interface visible on a monochrome monitor --------------------------------------------------------------- To force the Workgroup Connection pop-up interface to appear in monochrome mode, type MODE MONO at the MS-DOS command prompt before you display the pop-up interface, or include MODE MONO in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. 1.6 Using QEMM Lastdrive ------------------------ If you add drive letters using QEMM Lastdrive and then use Workgroup Connection to connect to one of them, the connection will work but no information about the shared resources on it will be displayed. 1.7 If your COMMAND.COM file is not in root directory ----------------------------------------------------- Workgroup Connection won't start if your COMMAND.COM file is not in the root directory of your startup drive unless you have a SHELL command in your CONFIG.SYS file that specifies the location of COMMAND.COM. For information about the COMMAND and SHELL commands, see your MS-DOS documentation. 1.8 Enabling validated logons to LAN Manager domains ---------------------------------------------------- You must run the Workgroup Connection full redirector to have your user name and password validated by a Microsoft LAN Manager server. 2. NOTES ABOUT MICROSOFT MAIL 2.1 Messages on Main screen or in private folders cannot be compressed ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The person who administers your workgroup post office can compress only the shared folders stored on it. 2.2 Using Micro with MS-DOS Shell --------------------------------- Micro does not operate correctly if you start it after you start MS-DOS Shell. To use Micro with MS-DOS Shell, start Micro, and then start MS-DOS Shell. 2.3 Using Micro with graphics-mode applications ----------------------------------------------- If you use programs, including MS-DOS Shell, that switch your monitor into graphics mode, start Micro with the -F option. 2.4 Removing the mail notifier ------------------------------ If you start Micro with the -F option, a notifier appears on your screen when you receive a new mail message. To remove the notifier from your screen, press ALT+F1 or switch to the Mail program.