QUATECH, INC. DDS-100 Card Type Waveform Synthesizer Chipset/Controller Unidentified I/O Options Trigger/gate signal inputs Maximum DRAM N/A [Image] CONNECTIONS Purpose Location Purpose Location Sine wave output CN1 Trigger/gate input CN3 TTL square CN2 wave/time mark output INTERRUPT SELECT IRQ J1 » IRQ5 Pins 7 & 8 closed IRQ2 Pins 1 & 2 closed IRQ3 Pins 3 & 4 closed IRQ4 Pins 5 & 6 closed IRQ6 Pins 9 & 10 closed IRQ7 Pins 11 & 12 closed IRQ10 Pins 13 & 14 closed IRQ11 Pins 15 & 16 closed IRQ12 Pins 17 & 18 closed IRQ14 Pins 19 & 20 closed IRQ15 Pins 21 & 22 closed Disabled All pins open 8254 CLOCK CONFIGURATION Setting J2 10Mhz timer Pins 1 & 2, 4 & 5 closed Cycle counter Pins 2 & 3, 5 & 6 closed 8254 CLOCK OUTPUT SPEED Output J7 Direct Pins 1 & 2 closed Output/2 Pins 2 & 3 closed Note: Clock input can not exceed 10Mhz. SINE WAVE OUTPUT AMPLITUDE Setting J3 + 5V Pins 1 & 2 closed + 1V Pins 2 & 3 closed SINE WAVE OUTPUT IMPEDANCE Output J4 50ohm Pins 1 & 2, 4 & 5 closed 75ohm Pins 1 & 2, 5 & 6 closed 100ohm Pins 1 & 2 closed Unfiltered Pins 2 & 3, 5 & 6 closed CN2 OUTPUT OPTIONS Setting J5 TTL output Pins 3 & 6 closed Clock output Pins 2 & 5 closed Time mark output Pins 1 & 4 closed CN3 INPUT OPTIONS Setting J6 External trigger input closed Gate signal input open I/O ADDRESS CONFIGURATION Address SW1 SW2 » 300h 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 on on 240h 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 & 1, 3, 4 & 5 on 8 on 6FC8h 1 & 4 on 3 & 4 on Note: The address range for the DDS-100 is from 0 to FFFFh. The switches are a binary representation of the addresses. When a switch is off, the corresponding bit is set to 1 and has the following decimal value: SW1/1=8, SW1/2=4, SW1/3=2, SW1/4=1, SW1/5=8, SW1/6=4, SW1/7=2, SW1/8=1, SW2/1=8, SW2/2=4, SW2/3=2, SW2/4=1, SW2/5=8. The DDS-100 requires eight consecutive address locations.