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289-158DATE OF ANNOUNCEMENT (year-month-day)
IBM announces the availability of the IBM Advanced Interactive Executive (AIX (TM)) Personal System/2 (R) (PS/2 (R)) Operating System and related licensed programs. In addition, to previously announced enhancements, AIX PS/2 Operating System includes support for additional devices. IBM AIX PS/2 VS FORTRAN now includes error flagging for Systems Application Architecture (TM) (SAA) level 1 support. IBM AIX PS/2 Workstation Host Interface Program supports communication with an MVS/XA (TM) host. IBM AIX Access for IBM Disk Operating System (DOS) Users and IBM X-Windows for IBM DOS support additional IBM personal computers. The availability date for asynchronous communication support in the AIX PS/2 Operating System using the IBM Realtime Interface Co-Processor Multiport/2 (#6263) with the Eight-Port RS-232 Interface Board (#6265) is delayed to fourth quarter 1989. The volume discount category and product classification are changed for IBM Access for DOS User and IBM X-Windows for IBM DOS. A reduced price option of the IBM AIX PS/2 Operating System is announced for customers who require a maximum of two concurrently logged-on users of the AIX PS/2 system. PROGRAM PROGRAM ONE-TIME NUMBER NAME CHARGE 5713-AEQ AIX PS/2 (1-16 User Option) $ 795 5713-AEQ AIX PS/2 (1-2 User Option) 595 5713-AFH AIX PS/2 Extensions 275 5713-AEY AIX PS/2 DOS Merge 275 5713-AFE AIX PS/2 Usability Services 275 5713-AFD AIX PS/2 Text Formatting System 220 5713-AEX AIX PS/2 X-Windows 214 5713-AFA AIX PS/2 VS FORTRAN 302 5713-AEZ AIX PS/2 VS Pascal 302 5713-AFC AIX PS/2 C Language 302 5713-AEP AIX PS/2 Application Development Toolkit 192 5713-AER AIX PS/2 Workstation Host Interface Program 441 5713-AEW AIX PS/2 Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) 330 5713-AET AIX PS/2 INmail (1)/INed (2)/INnet (1)/FTP 275 5709-030 AIX Access for DOS Users 164 5709-029 X-Windows for IBM DOS 214 (TM) Trademark of the International Business Machines Corporation. (R) Registered trademark of the International Business Machines Corporation. (1) Trademark of INTERACTIVE Systems Corporation. (2) Registered trademark of INTERACTIVE Systems Corporation. Availability Date: March 31, 1989 AIX PS/2 Operating System (1-2 User Option) is planned to be available April 28, 1989.PRODUCT NUMBER(S) AND/OR NAME(S)
5713-AEQ IBM AIX PS/2 Operating System 5713-AFH IBM AIX PS/2 Operating System Extensions 5713-AEY IBM AIX PS/2 DOS Merge 5713-AFE IBM AIX PS/2 Usability Services 5713-AFD IBM AIX PS/2 Text Formatting System 5713-AEX IBM AIX PS/2 X-Windows 5713-AFA IBM AIX PS/2 VS FORTRAN 5713-AEZ IBM AIX PS/2 VS Pascal 5713-AFC IBM AIX PS/2 C Language 5713-AEP IBM AIX PS/2 Application Development Toolkit 5713-AER IBM AIX PS/2 Workstation Host Interface Program 5713-AEW IBM AIX PS/2 Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol 5713-AET IBM AIX PS/2 INmail/INed/INnet/FTP 5709-030 IBM AIX PS/2 Access for DOS Users 5709-029 IBM X-Windows for IBM DOSOVERVIEW (Highlights, Description)
HIGHLIGHTS o Enhancements to IBM AIX PS/2 Operating System - Expanded support for IBM ASCII displays, IBM printers and other devices - Support in Graphics Support Library (GSL) for IBM 8514 Color Display. o Announcement of reduced price IBM AIX PS/2 Operating System for one and two users o Additional models of IBM Personal Computer and IBM Personal System/2 supported by IBM AIX Access for DOS Users and IBM X-Windows for IBM DOS o IBM AIX PS/2 VS FORTRAN includes error flagging for SAA level 1 support. o Changes in machine and programming requirements DESCRIPTION In addition to function described in the referenced Programming Announcements, the following enhancements are included: o IBM AIX PS/2 Operating System - Support for the following IBM displays: -- IBM 3162 ASCII Display Station (3161 mode) -- IBM 3164 ASCII Display Station (3161 mode) -- Support in GSL for the IBM 8514 Color Display - Support for the following printers: -- IBM 4201 Proprinter (TM) -- IBM 5202 Quietwriter III (R) - Support for the following device: -- Ungermann Bass NICps/2 Adapter 1542 NOTE: This device can be ordered from IBM; it is not an IBM product. Other commercially available adapters and associated device drivers may provide an alternative solution. o A reduced price option of the IBM AIX PS/2 Operating System for customers who require a maximum of two concurrently logged-on users of the AIX PS/2 system. Customers who require a maximum of two concurrently logged-on users should order the IBM AIX PS/2 Operating System (1-2 User Option) (#4927). Customers who require up to 16 concurrently logged-on users should order the AIX PS/2 Operating System (1-16 User Option) (#4907). For authorization to support greater than 16 logged-on users, contact your IBM representative. o IBM AIX PS/2 Workstation Host Interface Program supports connection to an IBM host running MVS/XA. o IBM AIX Access for DOS Users support has been extended to additional Personal System/2 models. o IBM X-Windows for IBM DOS support has been extended to additional IBM Personal Computers and Personal System/2 models. o IBM AIX PS/2 VS FORTRAN provides an error indicator for Systems Application Architecture (SAA) level 1 support. The following changes are made: o IBM AIX PS/2 Usability Services cannot be initiated from multiple concurrent windows on the console terminal when used with IBM AIX PS/2 X-Windows as stated in the original announcement. o The GSL is included in the IBM AIX PS/2 Application Development Toolkit rather than in the IBM AIX PS/2 Operating System as originally announced. However, the IBM AIX PS/2 Operating System includes run time support for GSL. o The availability date for 8-port asynchronous communication adapter support in the IBM AIX PS/2 Operating System using the IBM Realtime Interface Co-Processor Multiport/2 (#6263) installed with the Eight-Port RS-232 Interface Board (#6265) is delayed to fourth quarter 1989. While IBM makes no representations or warranties regarding alternative 8-port solutions, IBM anticipates that there may be alternative solutions available from other vendors. o The volume discount category and product classification are changed for IBM Access for DOS Users and for IBM X-Windows for IBM DOS. o The programs in this announcement count toward the total quantity of products in Category G, eligible for a maximum discount of 30 percent at a quantity of 40; and Category C, eligible for a maximum discount of 33 percent at a quantity of 15. (TM) Trademark of the International Business Machines Corporation. (R) Registered trademark of the International Business Machines Corporation.INFORMATION (Pubs, Education, Availability Date)
PUBLICATIONS Publications defined in Programming Announcements 287-505, 287-506, 287-507, dated November 3, 1987; and 288-053 and 288-054, dated February 2, 1988, are modified. Following are current titles and order numbers: PART/FORM TITLE NUMBER IBM AIX PS/2 OPERATING SYSTEM (5713-AEQ) SBOF-1831 Installing & Customizing the AIX PS/2 Operating System SC23-2027 Using the AIX PS/2 Operating System SC23-2024 AIX PS/2 Operating System Command Reference SC23-2025 Managing the AIX PS/2 Operating System SC23-2031 AIX PS/2 Messages Reference SC23-2036 IBM AIX PS/2 OPERATING SYSTEM EXTENSIONS (5713-AFH) SBOF-1833 AIX PS/2 Operating System Technical Reference Volume 1 SC23-2032 AIX PS/2 Operating System Technical Reference Volume 2 SC23-2033 IBM AIX PS/2 APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT TOOLKIT (5713-AEP) AIX PS/2 Programming Tools and Interface SC23-2029 IBM AIX PS/2 DOS MERGE (5713-AEY) AIX PS/2 DOS Merge User's and Administrative Guide SC23-2045 IBM AIX PS/2 USABILITY SERVICES (5713-AFE) SBOF-1837 AIX PS/2 Usability Services User's Guide SC23-2038 AIX PS/2 Usability Services Reference SC23-2039 AIX PS/2 Usability Services Commands Reference Card SX23-0804 AIX PS/2 Usability Services Template Kit SK2T-0232 IBM AIX PS/2 TEXT FORMATTING SYSTEM (5713-AFD) AIX PS/2 Text Formatting Guide SC23-2044 IBM AIX PS/2 TCP/IP (5713-AEW) AIX PS/2 TCP/IP User's Guide SC23-2047 IBM AIX PS/2 INMAIL/INED/INNET/FTP (5713-AET) SBOF-1859 AIX PS/2 INmail/INnet/FTP User's Guide SC23-2076 AIX PS/2 INed SC23-2001 AIX PS/2 INmail Template Kit SK2T-0203 IBM AIX PS/2 C LANGUAGE (5713-AFC) SBOF-1849 AIX C Language User's Guide RT, PS/2 SC23-2057 AIX C Language Reference RT, PS/2 SC23-2058 PART/FORM TITLE NUMBER IBM AIX PS/2 VS FORTRAN (5713-AFA) SBOF-1845 AIX VS FORTRAN User's Guide RT, PS/2 SC23-2049 AIX VS FORTRAN Reference RT, PS/2 SC23-2050 AIX PS/2 Interface Library Reference SC23-2051 IBM AIX PS/2 VS PASCAL (5713-AEZ) SBOF-1847 AIX VS Pascal User's Guide RT, PS/2 SC23-2053 AIX VS Pascal Reference RT, PS/2 SC23-2054 AIX PS/2 Interface Library Reference SC23-2051 IBM AIX PS/2 WORKSTATION HOST INTERFACE PROGRAM (5713-AER) AIX Workstation Host Interface Program User's Guide and Reference SC23-2060 IBM AIX PS/2 X-WINDOWS (5713-AEX) SBOF-1868 AIX X-Windows User's Guide SC23-2017 AIX X-Windows Programmer's Reference SC23-2118 IBM AIX ACCESS FOR DOS USERS (5709-030) SBOF-1884 AIX Access for DOS Users, User's Guide SC23-2041 AIX Access for DOS Users, Administrator's Guide SC23-2042 The AIX PS/2 KEYBOARD DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTER REFERENCE (SC23-2037) may be ordered separately after availability. Publications may be ordered now. To order, contact your IBM representative. EDUCATION SUPPORT A description of self-study and classroom courses is contained in the CATALOG OF IBM EDUCATION (G320-1244). Call IBM Direct -- Education at 800 IBM-2468, for schedules, enrollments and to place orders for self-study courses. SCHEDULE The availability date for AIX PS/2 Operating System (1-16 User Option) (#4907) and related licensed programs is March 31, 1989. AIX PS/2 Operating System (1-2 User Option) (#4927) is planned to be available April 28, 1989.TECHNICAL INFORMATION
TECHNICAL INFORMATION SPECIFIED OPERATING ENVIRONMENT MACHINE REQUIREMENTS: The Specified Operating Environment remains as defined in Programming Announcements 287-505, 287-506 and 287-507, dated November 3, 1987; 288-053 and 288-054, dated February 2, 1988; and 288-565, dated October 4, 1988; with the following amendments to minimum IBM memory and IBM DASD requirements for each licensed program (including the IBM AIX PS/2 Operating System): o IBM AIX PS/2 Operating System: When installing the DOS Server function, 3Mb memory. o IBM AIX PS/2 Operating System Extensions: 2Mb memory and 60Mb disk storage. o IBM AIX PS/2 DOS Merge: 3Mb memory and 60Mb disk storage. o IBM AIX PS/2 Usability Services: 4Mb memory and 60Mb disk storage. o IBM AIX PS/2 Text Formatting System: 3Mb memory and 60Mb disk storage. o IBM AIX PS/2 X-Windows: 4Mb memory and 70Mb disk storage. o IBM AIX PS/2 Application Development Toolkit: 2Mb memory and 60Mb disk storage. o IBM AIX PS/2 C Language: 2Mb memory and 60Mb disk storage. o IBM AIX PS/2 VS FORTRAN: 2Mb memory and 60Mb disk storage. o IBM AIX PS/2 VS Pascal: 2Mb memory and 60Mb disk storage. o IBM AIX PS/2 Workstation Host Interface Program: 2Mb memory and 60Mb disk storage. o IBM AIX PS/2 Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol: 3Mb memory and 60Mb disk storage. o IBM AIX PS/2 INmail/INed/INnet/FTP: 2Mb memory and 60Mb disk storage. In addition, the following amendments apply to the IBM DOS workstations running IBM DOS Version 3.30, along with the following licensed programs: o IBM AIX Access for DOS Users Supported systems, revised from the original announcement: IBM Personal Computer, IBM Personal Computer XT (TM), IBM Personal Computer XT Model 286, IBM Personal Computer AT (R), and IBM Personal System/2 Models 25, 30, 50, 60, 70 and 80. A minimum of 256Kb memory is required instead of the previously stated 192Kb. o IBM X-Windows for IBM DOS Supported systems, revised from the original announcement: IBM Personal Computer XT, IBM Personal Computer XT Model 286, IBM Personal Computer AT, and IBM Personal System/2 Models 25, 30, 50, 60, 70 and 80. 640Kb memory is required instead of the previously stated 512Kb. One of the following input devices, revised from the original announcement, is required: - IBM PS/2 Mouse (#8770) (6450350) - MICROSOFT (1) 2-button mouse - Logitech LogiMouse (2) 3-button mouse (TM) Trademark of the International Business Machines Corporation. (R) Registered trademark of the International Business Machines Corporation. (1) Trademark of Microsoft Corporation. (2) Trademark of Logitech, Incorporated. IBM Personal Computers require installation of an IBM asynchronous communications adapter to allow attachment of a mouse. The non-IBM devices described above are not available from IBM and must be supplied by the customer. Other commercially available pointing devices and associated device drivers may provide an alternative solution. For those intending to install the optional IBM PS/2 80387 Math Co-Processor on a PS/2 Model 80 for use with IBM AIX PS/2, engineering changes FRU #33F8416 (8580-041 or 8580-071) or FRU #33F8415 (8580-111 or 8580-311) must be installed. For further details, contact your IBM service representative regarding ECA 011. For customers with a PS/2 Model 80 (8580-071), with a serial number less than 7021817, FRU #15F6866 must be installed. PROGRAMMING REQUIREMENTS: The Specified Operating Environment remains as defined in Programming Announcements 287-505, 287-506 and 287-507, dated November 3, 1987; 288-053 and 288-054, dated February 2, 1988; and 288-565, dated October 4, 1988; with the following amendments: o Although not specifically stated in the referenced announcements, each IBM AIX PS/2 licensed program requires the IBM AIX PS/2 Operating System. o IBM AIX PS/2 X-Windows can be used with RT (R), IBM PS/2 and System/370 (TM) systems connected on a Local Area Network. The following items must be installed on each IBM processor interacting with IBM AIX PS/2 X-Windows across the network: - IBM AIX PS/2 Operating System Version 1.1 (5713-AEQ), IBM AIX/RT Operating System Version 2.2 (5601-061) or IBM AIX/370 Operating System (5713-AFL) - The necessary communications devices to allow connection to the network - A compatible X-Windows (based on X Window System Version 11 by Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)) application. Many character-based applications require TCP/IP only. - IBM AIX PS/2 systems require IBM AIX PS/2 TCP/IP (5713-AEW). o IBM X-Windows for IBM DOS can be used with IBM RT, IBM PS/2 and IBM System/370 systems connected on a Local Area Network. The following items must be installed on each IBM processor interacting with IBM X-Windows for IBM DOS across the network: - IBM AIX PS/2 Operating System Version 1.1 (5713-AEQ), IBM AIX/RT Operating System Version 2.2 (5601-061) or IBM AIX/370 Operating System (5713-AFL) - The necessary communications devices to facilitate connection to the network - A compatible X-Windows (based on X Window System Version 11 by MIT) application. Character-based applications that do not directly interact with an X-Windows program may be brought up within IBM X-Windows for IBM DOS on the DOS workstation by bringing up an aixterm on the AIX host, then starting the application within the aixterm. Aixterm is an X-Windows client program delivered with AIX X-Windows. - IBM AIX PS/2 systems require IBM AIX PS/2 TCP/IP (5713-AEW). o The IBM AIX PS/2 VS FORTRAN, IBM AIX PS/2 VS Pascal and IBM AIX PS/2 C Language licensed programs require the use of the IBM AIX PS/2 Application Development Toolkit licensed program in addition to the IBM AIX PS/2 Operating System. o IBM AIX Access for DOS Users requires attachment to at least one appropriately configured IBM processor running an IBM AIX Operating System with the IBM DOS Server function installed. The AIX PS/2 does not require the separately ordered IBM AIX PS/2 Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol licensed program as originally specified. (R) Registered trademark of the International Business Machines Corporation. (TM) Trademark of the International Business Machines Corporation. COMPATIBILITY: IBM AIX PS/2 X-Windows, IBM X-Windows for IBM DOS, IBM AIX/RT X-Windows Version 2.1 and the X-Windows component (client function) of IBM AIX/370 are compatible. These IBM X-Windows products are based on X Window System Version 11 developed by MIT. IBM AIX PS/2 DOS Merge: Following are applications tested for use with IBM AIX PS/2 DOS Merge along with IBM DOS Version 3.3. IBM acknowledges the following trademarks and their owners: o WORD PROCESSING - WordPerfect (3) Version 5.0 - WordStar Professional (4) Version 4.0 - MultiMate Advantage II (5) Version 1.0 - Webster's New World Spelling Checker (6) - IBM DisplayWrite (TM) 4 Version 1.00 o BUSINESS AND ACCOUNTING - dBASE III PLUS (5) Version 1.1 - dBASE IV PLUS (5) Version 1.0 - Chart Master (7) Version 6.21 - Lotus 1-2-3 (8) Version 2.01 - Multiplan Version (9) 3.00 - VP Planner (10) Version 1.00 o PROGRAMMING - Turbo Pascal (11) Version 4.0 - Turbo Prolog (11) Version 1.1 - BASICA Version 3.30 - Microsoft Quick C (9) Version 5.10 - Microsoft Quick Basic (9) Version 4.50 o UTILITIES - The Print-Shop Graphics Library Disk I (12) Version 1.0 - Sidekick Plus (11) - The Print Shop (12) Version 1.0 - Sideways (14) Version 3.11 o OPERATING ENVIRONMENT/APPLICATIONS - Turbo Graphix Toolbox (11) Version 3.5 - GEM Draw Plus (15) Version 2.0 - GEM Collection (15) Version 3.0 - Microsoft Windows/286 (9) Version 2.10 - STORYBOARD (TM) Plus Version 1.01 o COMMUNICATIONS - Smartcom III (16) - Crosstalk Mark IV (17) Version 1.1 - Personal System/2 Mouse Version 1.0 o OTHER - PFS:FirstChoice (18) Version 2.00 (TM) Trademark of the International Business Machines Corporation. (3) Trademark of WordPerfect. (4) Trademark of MicroPro International Corporation. (5) Trademark of Ashton-Tate. (6) Trademark of Simon & Schuster, Inc. (7) Trademark of Decision Resources. (8) Trademark of Lotus Development Corporation. (9) Trademark of Microsoft Corporation. (10) Trademark of CYMA/McGraw-Hill. (11) Trademark of Borland International. (12) Trademark of Broderbund Software. (13) Trademark of Fifth Generation Systems. (14) Trademark of Funk Software, Inc. (15) Trademark of Digital Research, Inc. (16) Trademark of Hayes Microcomputer Products, Inc. (17) Trademark of DCA/Crosstalk Communications. (18) Trademark of Software Publishing Corporation. LIMITATIONS: For IBM AIX PS/2 Operating System DOS Server function, when a DOS user accesses AIX PS/2 text files, line endings and other file characteristics specific to AIX applications may appear different. Use of the conversion utilities supplied with the IBM AIX Access for DOS Users and the DOS Server function may be necessary for proper viewing.ORDERING INFORMATION, TERMS AND CONDITIONS, CHARGES
ORDERING INFORMATION Orders for new licenses will be accepted now. Customers who require more than two concurrently logged-on users should order the AIX PS/2 Operating System (1-16 User Option) (#4907). Orders will be scheduled for shipment starting April 7, 1989. Customers who require a maximum of two concurrently logged-on users should order the AIX PS/2 Operating System (1-2 User Option) (#4927). This product is planned to be available April 28, 1989. Unless a later date is specified, orders entered prior to April 28, 1989, will be scheduled for shipment May 5, 1989. To order the programs in this announcement, specify the program name, order type, quantity and media. The available order types are as follows: o Program Package -- program diskette with documentation. o Additional Licenses -- must be ordered under a VPA. o Documentation -- separate documentation without program diskettes. TERMS AND CONDITIONS LICENSING: The programs in this announcement are licensed under the terms and conditions of the IBM Program License Agreement. A copy of the agreement is included in the program package. LIMITED WARRANTY: Program: Yes. Media: Three months. Additional Licenses: Not applicable. PROGRAM SERVICES: Central Service, including the IBM Support Center, will be available until June 30, 1991, or until discontinued by IBM upon six months' written notice, whichever is earlier. For IBM AIX Access for DOS Users and IBM X-Windows for IBM DOS, Central Service, including the IBM Support Center, will be available until August 31, 1990, or until discontinued by IBM upon six months' written notice, whichever is earlier. The statement of service included in the program package describes this service. VOLUME DISCOUNT: Volume discounting is available under the terms and conditions of the Volume Procurement Amendment (VPA) and the Exhibit for Personal Computer/System Programs or the Exhibit for Personal Computer/System Programs for Qualified Educational Institutions/Hospitals. The programs in this announcement are included in the Eligible Program List for RT System and Personal System AIX Programs: RTPC and RT System and Personal System AIX Programs -- Qualified Educational Institutions/Hospitals: RTPCE. They may be added to the applicable category in the space provided on the Eligible Program List. Program Packages, including IBM AIX Access for DOS Users and IBM X-Windows for DOS previously announced in Category A, are included in Categories G and C respectively. Additional licenses are available only under a VPA and are included in Categories G and C, respectively. The programs in this announcement count toward the total quantity of products in Category G, eligible for a maximum discount of 30 percent at a quantity of 40; and Category C, eligible for a maximum discount of 33 percent at a quantity of 15. EDUCATIONAL ALLOWANCE: A 15 percent educational allowance is available to qualifying institutions in accordance with the Educational Allowance Amendment. The educational allowance may not be added to any other discount or allowance. TESTING PERIOD: Program Packages: Two months for up to three copies of each Eligible Program ordered under a VPA Addendum. ADDITIONAL LICENSES: Not applicable. CHARGES PROGRAM ONE-TIME NAME/NUMBER ORDER TYPE CHARGE IBM AIX PS/2 Operating System (1-16 User Option) Program Package $795 (5713-AEQ) Additional Licenses 679 IBM AIX PS/2 Operating System (1-2 User Option) Program Package 595 (5713-AEQ) Additional Licenses 508 IBM AIX PS/2 Operating System Extensions Program Package 275 (5713-AFH) Additional Licenses 139 IBM AIX PS/2 DOS Merge Program Package 275 (5713-AEY) Additional Licenses 216 IBM AIX PS/2 Usability Services Program Package 275 (5713-AFE) Additional Licenses 234 IBM AIX PS/2 Text Formatting System Program Package 220 (5713-AFD) Additional Licenses 132 IBM AIX PS/2 X-Windows Program Package 214 (5713-AEX) Additional Licenses 142 IBM AIX PS/2 VS FORTRAN Program Package 302 (5713-AFA) Additional Licenses 217 IBM AIX PS/2 VS Pascal Program Package 302 (5713-AEZ) Additional Licenses 185 IBM AIX PS/2 C Language Program Package 302 (5713-AFC) Additional Licenses 222 IBM AIX PS/2 Application Development Toolkit Program Package 192 (5713-AEP) Additional Licenses 119 IBM AIX PS/2 Workstation Host Interface Program Program Package 441 (5713-AER) Additional Licenses 367 IBM AIX PS/2 TCP/IP Program Package 330 (5713-AEW) Additional Licenses 292 IBM AIX PS/2 INmail/INed/ INnet/FTP Program Package 275 (5713-AET) Additional Licenses 232 IBM AIX Access for DOS Users Program Package 164 (5709-030) Additional Licenses 118 PROGRAM ONE-TIME NAME/NUMBER ORDER TYPE CHARGE IBM X-Windows for DOS Program Package 214 (5709-029) Additional Licenses 171 ADDITIONAL LICENSES CHARGE: Customers who pay a one-time charge for additional licenses may copy machine readable program materials and printed documentation previously acquired from IBM in a program package. One copy may be made for each additional license ordered. For IBM AIX Access for DOS Users, due to diskette serialization, diskette number one of three may not be copied by the customer. When authorized by IBM to make such Additional License Copies of IBM AIX Access for DOS Users, customers will receive from IBM the applicable number of serialized (number one of three) diskettes, to be used in lieu of any customer copying of diskette number one of three.
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