Creating and Storing a Knowledgeware Relation

In the scenario described below, we assume that you start from scratch. The scenario is divided into the following steps:
  • Creating documents in VPM
  • Creating the Assembly in VPM
  • Applying constraints to the assembly in CATIA
  • Creating a formula in CATIA
  • Loading the Assembly in CATIA
To perform this scenario, you will need the following files:






In CATIA, from the Tools>Options menu, select Infrastructure>Product Structure and make sure that the Work with the cache system option is unchecked.

Create Documents in VPM

  1. In VPM, select Object>Document to specify the type of file that you want to create.

  2. Select File>Create & Save. The Create&Save window is displayed.

    • In the Part Number field, enter a string of characters. Note that this string will be visible in CATIAwhen loading the part: M39 for example.

    • In the Eng Change field, enter 1 (version number).

    • In the Type field, enter Part.

    • Click the Source field and select the M39.CATPart file.

    • Enter 1 in the remaining fields.

    • Click Ok when done. The document is now created in VPM.

  3. Double-click the Document to open the  PSN editor.

  4. Right-click the sheet corresponding to the created document and select Open. The Part opens in CATIA.

  5. Repeat the 4 steps described above for the following parts:

Create the Assembly

  1. In VPM, select Object>Part to specify the type of file that you want to create.

  2. Select File>Create & Save. The Create&Save window is displayed.

    • In the Part Number field, enter TowHook.

    • In the Eng Change field, enter 1 (version number).

    • In the Type field, enter Product.

    • Click OK when done and Yes to confirm.

  3. Specify that the TowHook is made up of M39.CATPart, Axis_Step3.CATPart, Support.CATPart, and Liner_Step3.CATPart. T

    • Use the shift button to select the 4 documents listed above.

    • Press the Ctrl+C keys.

    • Click the TowHook file.

    • Press the Ctrl+V keys. The assembly is created.

  4. Double-click TowHook in VPM. The editor is displayed.

  5. In the PSN editor, expand the documents and, holding the shift key, right-click the 4 documents and select Open.

  1. Select Add when prompted to replace or add the models in your current viewer session. The assembly is displayed in CATIA.

Apply Constraints to the Assembly in CATIA

  1. Apply constraints to build the assembly.

  • From the Start menu, select the Mechanical Design>Assembly Design workbench.
  • Apply a fix constraint to the Support.

  • Apply a coincidence constraint between Liner.1 and Support.1.

  • Apply an offset constraint (10 mm) between Liner.1 and Support.1.

  • Apply a coincidence constraint between Axis.1 and Liner.1.

  • Apply a coincidence constraint between Support.1 and Axis.1.

  • Apply a coincidence constraint between Bolt.1 and Axis.1.

  • Apply a contact constraint between Bolt.1 and Liner.1.

  • Do not hesitate to use the Manipulations parameters tool available in the Assembly workbench to move the assembly components before applying the constraints.

The constraints are created (see picture opposite.)

Create a Formula

  1. Create a formula applied on the Offset constraint.

  • Click the f(x) icon. The Formula Editor is displayed.

  • In the specification tree, select the offset constraint and click Add formula.

  • In the editor, double-click Support\Plate_Thickness and add "+15mm". (See graphic below).

  1. Click OK twice. The formula is created.

  2. Save your .CATProduct file. Your file is saved in VPM.

Load the Assembly in CATIA

  1. Go back to VPM and right-click M39.CATPart, Axis_Step3.CATPart, TowHook, and Liner_Step3.CATPart and select Open.

  • A message is fired by Knowledge indicating that the relation cannot be solved.
  • The formula is displayed with an interrogation mark.
  • The formula cannot be edited.
  • The formula can be deactivated.
  • Some parameters are seen as "unfound".

The constraints applied to the Support document do not display.

  1. Go back to PSN, right-click the Support document and select Add: The formula applies correctly and the constraints all display.