Use Case 2: Reconciling a CATPart and a CATDrawing


The scenario described below aims at illustrating the following reconciliation process.
  • The OEM creates a jig saw and wants his supplier to generate the CATDrawing file of the saw switch (see picture opposite). He sends the switch CATPart to his supplier.
  • The supplier sends back the generated CATDrawing to the OEM. In the mean time, the OEM has modified the switch, so that the generated CATDrawing file does not match the switch stored in the VPDM anymore.
  • The supplier launches a reconciliation transaction and saves the CATDrawing in the VPDM. The CATDrawing will be automatically updated when sent to CATIA along with the switch.

This scenario starts when the supplier sends back the .CATDrawing file to the OEM.

Before performing this scenario, make sure you have:
  • activated the cache system (Tools->Options->Infrastructure->Product Structure->Cache Management->check option Work with the cache system)
  • have invoked the reconciliation option (View->Toolbars->Reconcile)
  • have activated the ENOVIA V5 toolbar (View -> Toolbars->ENOVIAV5)
  • have connected to the ENOVIA V5 VPM database (click the Connect User to ENOVIA V5 icon)

To perform this scenario, you will need the following documents:

  • Jig_saw_switch.CATPart is the file that the OEM sends to his supplier in order to have the CATDrawing generated:
  • Jig_saw_switch.CATDrawing  is the drawing generated by the supplier and sent back to the OEM:
  • Jig_saw_switch2.CATPart is the document that was modified by the OEM and that he wants to keep in his VPDM.
    Prior to performing the scenario described below, rename this file into Jig_saw_switch.CATPart and save this CATPart file in your VPDM.
  1. Open the Jig_saw_switch.CATDrawing file and the Jig_saw_switch.CATPart file and click the Launch Reconciliation icon .
    The Reconcile window is displayed.

  2. In the Actions toolbar, select the Destination PDM (ENOVIA V5 VPM) if necessary.

  3. Click the Jig_saw_switch.CATDrawing object in the Objects to reconcile tree, and click the New icon since this file is new and is therefore not already saved in the VPDM.

  4. Select the Jig_saw_switch.CATPart in the Objects to reconcile tree, select the Easy query option in the Query scrolling list and click the Query button: The Easy Query VPM window is displayed.

  1. Click OK: The corresponding part is displayed in the VPDM Objects field.

  1. Since the more up-to-date part is the one stored in the VPDM, click the Reload button. This way, the object that will be kept in the VPDM is the one that is already saved.

  2. Click the Apply button to apply the reconciliation.

  3. Close the Reconciliation transaction and from the File menu, select the Save in ENOVIA command.