Creating Polylines

This task shows how to create a polyline, which is a broken line made of several connected segments.
These linear segments may be connected by blending radii.
Polylines may be useful to create cylindrical shapes such as pipes, for example.
Open the Spline1.CATPart document.
  1. Click Polyline .

    The Polyline Definition dialog box appears.
  2. Select several points in a row.

    Here we selected Point.1, Point.3, Point.5 and Point.6 in this order.

    The resulting polyline would look like this:

  3. From the dialog box, select Point.3, click Add After and select Point.4.

  4. Select Point.5 and click Remove.

    The resulting polyline now looks like this:
  5. Still from the dialog box select Point.3, click Replace, and select Point.2 in the geometry.

    The added point automatically becomes the current point in the dialog box.
  6. Click OK in the dialog box to create the polyline.

    The element (identified as is added to the specification tree.
    • The polyline's orientation depends on the selection order of the points.
    • You can re-order selected points using Replace, Remove, Add, Add After, and Add Before.
    • You cannot select twice the same point to create a polyline. However, you can check the  Close polyline option to generate a closed contour.