List of PRM Resources

Following is a table listing project resource management resources for Structure Design, Structure Functional Design and Structure Detail Design. There are three sections to the table, listing resources that apply to all three applications, resources that apply to Structure Functional Design and Structure Detail Design only, and those that apply to Structure Design only.

Common to Structure Design; Structure Functional Design and Structure Detail Design
Resource Type Description In ENOVIA?
AnnotationCatalog Path/Catalog Location and name of the 3D Annotation Catalog used by drawing extraction Yes
DiscreteValues Path Location of the Discrete Values Directory for attributes No
IDSequenceNumber Path Location of the ID Sequence Number Definition directory No
MaterialManagementMode Text Sets the preferred behavior for material selection.
Possible values: None, ActiveUnSpec, ActiveSpec
StructureDetailDesignCatalog Path/Catalog Location and name of Structure Detail Design Catalog Yes
StructureDrawingSymbolsCatalog Path/Catalog Location and name of Structure Drawing Symbols Catalog Yes
StructureMaterialsCatalog Path/
Location and name of the Structure Materials Catalog Yes
StructureOpeningsCatalog Path/Catalog Location and name of the standard Openings Catalog Yes
StructureSpecificationsCatalog Path/Catalog Location and name of Structure Specifications Catalog Yes
StructureStandards Text Sets the Standards for structural objects inside the Structure Specifications Catalog
Example value: AISC or DIN
Common to Structure Functional Design and Structure Detail Design
MoldedConventions Path/XML Location and name of file containing positioning conventions for structural elements No
ProjectEnvelope Path/XML Location and name of bounding box data XML file No
ProjectParameters Path/XML Location and name of file containing setup parameters like ship positioning, ship characteristic planes, etc. No
ProjectReferencePlanes Path/XML Location and name of File Containing Project Reference planes definition No
StrFuncDesignUserDictionary CATFct Structure Functional Design and Structure Detail Design User Dictionary No
StrFunctionalDesignColorSchema Path Structure Functional Design Color Schema Directory No
StrFunctionalDesignIDSchema Path Structure Functional Design ID Schema Directory No
StructureDetailingFeatureBitmapPath Path Location for storage of bitmaps used by Powercopy or Endcuts or Slots command No
StructureHullFeatureName Text Sets the name of feature HULL in the CATPART defined by resource StructureHullModel No
StructureHullModel Path/
Location and name of the Hull CATpart Yes
Structure Functional Design only
StructureConfusionRule Integer Sets the preferred behavior for solving planning break computation confusion No
Structure Design only  
CATStructureDesignUserDictionary CATFct Structure Design User Dictionary No

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