Using the Formulas

This task shows how to take benefits from the formulas to define a selection of reference planes.
The reference plane browser lists the reference planes defined in the active structure system. The selection of one or several planes can be performed through a query. This query has to be typed in the Key in planes editor of the Reference Plane Browser dialog box.


1. In order to define a selection from a key in input, query must be typed in the Key in planes editor.
To start a key in selection, type DECK.(3-6) in the Key in planes editor.

DECK.(3-6) means that reference planes named DECK.3 to DECK.6 are part of the selection.

NOTE: In multi selection scenario, a string template is defined out of the brackets. In the above sample, DECK.(3-6) is similar to DE(CK.3-CK.6). Nevertheless, the first notation is recommended.

2. Here is the syntax of the Key in selection:

Multi reference plane selection
The general syntax is <ReferencePlaneRootName>(<startindex>-<endindex>/<step>)


  • Long.(10-20). All reference planes between Long.10 and Long.20 will be selected.
  • Long.(10-20/2). Every two reference plane between Long.10 and Long.20 will be selected.
  • Long.(-20--10/2). Every two reference plane between Long.-20 and Long.-10 will be selected.
  • Long.(10-20/-2). Every but two reference planes between Long.10 and Long.20 will be selected.
  • Long.10, Long.20. Long.10 and Long.20 will be selected.
  • Long.(5-10/2),Long.(10-20/3) . Every two reference planes between Long.5 and Long.10 and every three reference planes between Long.10 and Long.20 will be selected.

    Single reference plane selection
    Offset is supported only in single selection mode.
  • Long.5. Long.5 will be selected.
  • Long.5+250. Long.5 will be selected, and the offset field will be set to 250<current unit>.
3. Key in planes editor keeps the last 10 inputs in memory. To rerun an existing query, select the query in the combo. The Ok button is active.
4. Click Ok, the selection query information is sent to the panel editor the reference plane browser has been called from.