Adding Insulation to a Part  

This task shows you how to add insulation to a part, and how to manage lists of insulation types.
You can query the TotalInsulationThickness computed attribute in the PlantShipLayout Knowledgeware dictionary, and retrieve the sum of all insulation thickness values for a base part.



1. With your document open, and displaying the parts for which you want to add insulation:

Click the Insulation Management button and the Insulation Management dialog box displays.

2. Click the Insulate button and the Add New Insulation dialog box displays.

Select the parts in your document for which you want to add insulation. The part names display in the Parts to Insulate pane.

3. Click the Show Insulation Parts button and the Catalog Browser displays with the available insulation parts.

Double-click on the insulation part you want to add.

The Add New Insulation dialog box redisplays with the selected insulation part displaying in the top pane.

Repeat this process for each insulation part you want to add.

Click Add when you are done. The Insulation Management dialog box redisplays. The insulation parts you selected display in the Insulation  pane.

Notice that the parts you selected are highlighted in your document and in the specifications tree. The selected insulation parts listed in the Insulation  pane now are added to these parts.

Click Close to close the dialog box.

4. You can add insulation parts from base parts in your document that already have insulation parts defined.

Click the Insulation Management button. Select a part with insulation parts defined. The insulation parts display in the Insulation  pane in the Insulation Management dialog box.

From the Insulation  pane, select the insulation parts you want to add to other parts, and click the Insulate button. The Add New Insulation dialog box displays.

Select other parts in your document. The selected parts display in the Parts to Insulate pane. Click Add.

The parts you selected are highlighted in your document and in the specifications tree. The insulation parts listed in the Insulation pane now are associated with these parts.

Click Close to close the dialog box.

5. You can query parts to determine those with insulation parts defined.

Click the Insulation Management button.

Select a part and a list of insulation parts added to this part displays in the Insulation pane in the Insulation Management dialog box.

You can repeat this procedure for each part.

6. You can query insulation parts to determine the base parts to which each was added.

Click the Insulation Management button.

In the Insulation Management dialog box, click the List All Insulation Parts for All Base Parts button . A list of insulation parts displays in the Insulation pane.

Notice that all parts that have insulation parts defined are highlighted in your document and in the specifications tree.

Select an insulation part from the list and click Insulate. In the Add New Insulation dialog box, the top pane lists the selected insulation part, and the Parts to Insulate pane lists all the parts that have this insulation part defined.

You can use the dialog boxes described above to manage the insulation parts.
7. You can alphanumerically sort a list of insulation parts or other parts in your document.
  • To alphanumerically sort a list of insulation parts displayed in the Insulation  pane in the Insulation Management dialog box, click the appropriate sort button alongside Sort Options.
  • To alphanumerically sort a list of the parts displayed in the Add New Insulation dialog box, click the appropriate sort button alongside Sort Options.
8. You can delete insulation parts from the part that has the insulation defined.

Click the Insulation Management button and select the part in your document. Select one or more insulation parts from the list in the Insulation pane in the Insulation Management dialog box. Click Delete and the insulation parts are deleted from the base part.

9. You can remove insulation parts from the list in the top pane in the Add New Insulation dialog box. (This just removes the part from the list. The insulation part is still associated with the base part.)

Select insulation parts from the top pane in the Add New Insulation dialog box, and click Remove.

10. You can remove base parts from the Parts to Insulate pane in the Add New Insulation dialog box. (Removing the base parts from the list in the Parts to Insulate does not affect the base parts in your document.)

Select the base parts to remove from the list in the Parts to Insulate pane, and click Remove. You can remove all base parts on the list by clicking Remove All.

11. You can display and modify properties of insulation parts listed in the Insulation pane in the Insulation  Management dialog box.

Select an insulation part from the list and click Properties. The Properties dialog box displays.