Measure Distance Between Objects

This task shows you how to measure distance between components. Distance will be measured in the working units you have set.
You can measure the distance between components, between a component and run, or between run and run. In the case of components you have to select a connector, placement point or bounding box corner. In the case of a run you have to select node points that display on a run (when you move your pointer over the run), or connectors at the ends of runs.

1. With your document open click the Measure Tool button . The Measure dialog box displays.

2. You have three modes available to you. The first button - Measure Distance - measures directly between two objects. Click the button and move the pointer over the first component you want to measure from. The reference points on the component display - you need to select a reference point.

Move the pointer to the second component and select a connector. The distance between the two displays in the Measure dialog box.

3. The second button - Measure in Fan Mode - allows you to measure from a reference component to other components in your document. Click the button and click a connector on the first component. This component becomes the reference point. When you click a connector on a second component the Measure dialog box displays the distance between the two. When you click a third component the dialog box displays the distance between the reference component and the third component you just selected. The images below show the distance between the reference component and the valve, and the distance between the reference component and the pump. The dotted red lines display when you check the options (Show) in the Measure dialog box.

4. The third button - Measure in Chain Mode - allows you to measure from the last component you selected. Click the button and select a component, then select a second component. The Measure dialog box display the distance between the two. Now click a third component. The dialog box displays the distance between the second and third components.