Integration Checks Explained

The Integration tool performs the following checks to make sure your 3D design and the schematic from which it was generated are integrated. Most checks below do not need additional explanation. Examples have been provided for some.  
  • 2D functions that are not associated to any 3D parts
  • 3D parts that are not associated to any 2D functions
  • Duplicate 3D parts that are associated to the same 2D function
  • 3D parts in a line ID different from the line ID of its associated 2D function
  • 3D parts with attribute values different from the associated 2D function
  • 3D parts with part type different from the associated 2D function
  • 3D parts with part number different from the associated 2D function
  • 3D parts that do not match with the Function-Physical mapping rules: This check establishes whether the physical part is a valid type for the 2D function, as defined in the Function-Physical mapping table. The following conditions may cause an error: The values assigned to the attribute 'nominal size' in the 3D design do not fall within the range specified in the Function-Physical mapping table. Other reasons that can cause an error in this check are that the application cannot find the relevant standards catalog, the catalog is pointing to the incorrect Function-Physical mapping table, or an incorrect entry has been made for the catalog in the section "Design Validation, 2D3DIntegrationStatusReport Discipline Resources" of the project resource management file.
  • 2D From/To connectivity that is not defined in the 3D layout: The schematic has a route with a specific beginning and ending but this is not represented in the 3D design. Some possible scenarios are: the schematic has an equipment as the start or end, but there is no equipment in the 3D design; the equipment exists but is not connected to the route; the start or end is not connected to a branch or part, as defined in the schematic; open ended run; there are less than two connections.
  • Runs with flow different from the 2D strings: The flow direction is not as defined in the schematic.
  • 3D connector with ID different from the associated 2D connector
  • 2D FROM/TO object is not defined in the 3D layout
  • 2D function not defined in the 3D layout for a given FROM/TO
  • 3D parts in a line ID that are not in the same order as 2D: Part placement in the 3D design does not follow the order in the schematic; this check only determines if the part has been placed in the same order as in the schematic, not if they are connected.
  • 3D part on a run not connected
If the object or objects defined in a From/To are contained in more than one schematic sheet - using an off sheet connector - then the checks ignore it. You will get an error message informing you which check was involved and which From/To was not validated.