Routing Path Reservations in Any Direction

atarget.gif (1372 bytes) This task shows you how to route a path reservation in any direction.
ascenari.gif (1364 bytes) 1. Click the Path Reservation icon buttonpathreserv.gif (1301 bytes).

The Routing dialog box is displayed, and crosshairs track the movement of your cursor in the drawing.

2. Click the Directional icon buttondirectionalrouting.gif (606 bytes).

The compass is displayed in the drawing.

3. Define the first point to begin routing.
ainfo.gif (980 bytes) If the first point is a free point, the default direction for routing is along the X axis. If the first point is the end point of a line, the default direction is along that line.
4. Do either of the following to change the direction for routing:
5. Click in the drawing to define additional routing points, changing the direction for routing as needed.
6. Double-click the last point to stop routing.


aendtask.gif (1477 bytes)