Routing a Run

With the conveyor network in place, you can create a run.  In this case, a run represents the actual path of the conveyor through the subset of the plant.
1. Double-click the Conveyor Network in the specifications  tree to make it active.
2. Click the Run button tbruns.gif (859 bytes).

The Run dialog box is displayed.

3. Select Conveyor Run as the run type.
4. Click the Section Type button.
Section dimensions, Turn radius and Minimum length fields display the values given to the run.

Click the Section button. The Display buttons allow you to select a display mode of Line/Curve or Solid. 

Click the Display Centerline button to show the centerline of the run. This will appear as a dashed yellow line. In addition a dashed blue line will appear to display the Set Point setting. This feature works in both the Line/Curve and Solid display modes.

5. Select the appropriate section type; No Section, Rectangular Section, Round Section, Flat Oval Section, Radius Corner, or Double Ridge.

For this scenario, select the Rectangular Section.

6. Under Section Parameters select the SetPoint most suitable for the run.
7. Click OK.
8. Click at 0,0,0 to start  routing the conveyor run.
9. Click at 0,3000mm,0 to create the first segment of the conveyor run.
10. Click at 3000mm,3000mm,0 to create the second segment of the conveyor run.
11. Double click at 3000mm,0,0 to complete the definition of the conveyor run.
You have created a conveyor network with one conveyor run.  You can now create additional runs using the same steps described above, or you can go on to the last task of placing parts on the run.