Creating Bumped Surfaces

This command is only available with the Generative Shape Optimizer product.

This task shows how to create bumped surfaces, by deformation of an initial surface.

Open the Bump1.CATPart document.

  1. Click Bump .

    The Bump Deformation Definition dialog box is displayed.
  2. Select the surface to be deformed.

  3. Select the Limit curve, that is the curve delimiting the deformation area.

    The limit curve needs to be lying on the surface to be deformed. If not, use the Create Projection contextual menu on the Limit curve field to project the limit curve on the surface.
  4. Select the Deformation center, that is the point representing the center of the deformation.

    The deviation will be at its maximum at this point, and evolve towards the limit curve, where it should reach 0.
  5. Select the curve indicating the Deformation direction.

    The deformation is propagated along this direction. By default, the Deformation direction is normal to the deformed element.
  6. Set the Deformation distance, that is the maximum distance, along the Deformation direction, from the deformed surface towards the Deformation center.

    We keyed in 20mm.
  7. Click Preview to preview the bumped surface.

  8. Click Add Param>> to display further options:

    You can:
    • define the continuity to be kept between the deformed area and the surface outside the deformation area (point, tangent, or curvature continuity)
    • specify a projection direction if the Deformation Center does not lie within the selected surface to be deformed, so that it is projected onto it.
    • define a center curvature value to control the shape of the bump deformation.
      If the value is:
      • equal to 1 (case A), the shape is the default one (as if no value was defined)
      • smaller than 1 (case B), the shape is flatter
      • bigger than 1 (case C), the shape is steeper

      Note: all values are allowed (positive, null, and negative values), however it is advised to define a value comprised between -1 and 5.

    In case of curvature continuity, the original continuity between the deformed area and the surface outside the deformation area will be at best kept but may be approximate in certain cases. 
  9. Click OK to validate the surface deformation.

    The element (identified as is added to the specification tree.
    You can edit the bump's parameters. Refer to Editing Parameters to find out how to display these parameters in the 3D geometry.