Copying Material Rendering Parameters

This task explains how to copy the rendering parameters (i.e. lighting and texture parameters) from one material to another. 

The material name remains the same as well as the other material parameters such as Analysis, Drafting and so on.

Open the Materials.CATProduct document.
  1. Select the Gold material applied to Part2 in the specification tree.

  2. Right-click then select Copy Rendering Data... to open the Copy Rendering Data dialog box.

    The Copy Rendering Data dialog box can also be accessed by right-clicking the object onto which the material has been applied, then selecting Material > Copy Rendering Data:
    This avoids selecting the material in the specification tree and is especially useful when working in Full Screen mode, for instance.
  3. Select a material from the list. By default, all materials are displayed. However, you can use the list to sort materials by family before selecting the desired material.

  4. Click OK to validate.

    The rendering parameters (i.e. lighting and texture parameters) have been replaced on the selected material. 
    In our example, we chose the Italian Marble material from the Stone family:

The material name displayed in the specification tree is identical but the lighting and texture properties of Gold have been replaced by the lighting and texture properties of Italian Marble:

Before After