Reconstruction of Surfaces

The first task will show you how to create a clean contour
To make selection easier, hide the following elements: 
  • the mesh
  • the curves created to build the tangent surface.
Create a clean contour:
  1. Click Clean Contour and select the following curves or edges:

  2. You see that the clean contour action takes the existing constraints into account:
    the edges of the surface are frozen.
    Click Apply and OK. A Join.2 element is created in the specification tree.
    The input curves have been sent to the NoShow.

  3. You see that curves have been trimmed.

  4. Recall the mesh from the NoShow.

Reconstruct a surface:

  1. Click PowerFit . Select the mesh. It is sent to the NoShow. Select Join.2

    You can see that existing constraints are again taken into account.

  2. In the Parameters , select the Radius check box and type 10 as a radius value. 

  3. Click Apply and OK. A Surface.1 element is created in the specification tree.

Reconstruct a second surface:

  1. If necessary, recall hidden curves from the NoShow and create a clean contour as above.
    A Join.3 element is created in the specification tree.

  2. Recall the mesh from the NoShow.

  3. Create a second PowerFit surface as above using the recently created clean contour.

  4. You can reconstruct the other surfaces the same way.