Click the Reorder Tree icon
. The
Graph tree reordering dialog
box appears listing the components constituting ManagingComponents01.
This dialog box provides three buttons for reordering these components.
The first button
moves the selected component to the top of
the list.
The second button
moves the selected component to the bottom of
the list.
The third button
moves the selected component to the place of
another component you need to select.
Select CRIC_FRAME and click the second
arrow twice. CRIC_FRAME then appears after CRIC_TOP on the list.
Click Apply to preview the result:
Select CRIC_TOP and click the third button.
Select CRIC_AXIS to
determine the location of CRIC_TOP. CRIC_TOP is now on top of the list.
Click OK to confirm the operation. The
application closes the dialog box and updates the specification tree.
The tree is reordered as follows: