
The Plant Layout product enables you to easily create a layout design for a manufacturing plant or other type of plant.  The main focus of the product  is to allow preliminary or conceptual design of a plant to be accomplished quickly. It provides  an efficient, cost-effective way to lay out an initial plant design for review and validation. The initial plant design may then be expanded, evolved, and modified to continue the plant design process. The entire process is accomplished through a simple,  highly intuitive interface, combining traditional 2D layout paradigms with full 3D capabilities to allow you to build a 3D digital representation of the plant.

The Plant Layout product can be used with other digital plant design products, such as Systems Routing, to satisfy plant design requirements. These products, together with the product portfolio, provide you with the complete ability to design and optimize your plant layout.

The Plant Layout User's Guide has been designed to show you how to create plant layout designs.  Based on design factors and various industries and domains, different design approaches may be undertaken. This book provides an overview of the product and aims at illustrating specific design procedures to aid your plant design efforts.


Using This Guide