In Keyword  


Enables you to create a multiple value parameter. It can be used together with the Input keyword to specify that a piece of data is a multiple value one. 


DataName = DefaultValue, Input: DataType In: 'value1,value2,...';


  • DataName is the name of the piece of data whose value is to be entered by the end-user.
  • DefaultValue is the default value to be displayed in the "Enter Inputs" dialog box.
  • DataType is the type of the piece of data whose value is to be specified (see above).


myDocument isa CATPart
	myPart isa Part
 		PartBody isa BodyFeature
 			WWW = 3.6 mm , Input: Length;
 			X = 6.6 mm , Input: Length In : `6.6mm,12 mm,100mm,3.3m` ;
 			Y = 5 , In : `5,10,15,25,50,3304324324`;
 			XX = "relation" , In : `relation1, relation2, relation3`;
			ZZ = 3, Hide: true;