Transfer Members of a Line ID

This task shows how to transfer members of one line ID to another line ID.

1. With your document open, click the Transfer Line ID button . The Transfer Members of Line IDs dialog box opens.  Click on the Local in the Scope field to see all the line IDs contained in your document.  If you click on All, you will see all the line IDs available.

2. Select the line ID that you want to transfer a member to. (When you select a line ID, all members that belong to it are highlighted.)
3. Click on the member that you want to transfer. It will be transferred to the line ID you had selected.
4. You can also use a feature called multi-select to transfer several members at a time. To do this:
5. Select the members you want to transfer by clicking and dragging. They will change color once selected.
6. Click on the Transfer Line ID button . The Transfer Members of Line IDs dialog box opens.
7. Select the line ID to which you want to transfer the members. You will be alerted that you are about to transfer the members.

8. Click OK. The members will be transferred.
The line ID and member must be compatible for the transfer to take place.