Creating and Editing a Component

This task explains how to create and edit a component. 
  1. In the General tab of the Tools>Options>Knowledgeware>Product Functional Definition dialog box, check Empty in Document contents at creation and ASO in Tree display and click OK.

  2. In the standard tool bar, select the Start>Knowledgeware>Product Functional Definition command. A simple tree with the OBJECTS, ACTIONS, VARIANTS, and GROUPS OF ACTIONS is displayed.

  3. Click the icon then click in the geometry area. The Object.1 box is displayed.

  4. If need be, resize the object by using the or icon in the standard toolbar or  drag (left mouse button).

  1. Double-click Object.1 in the tree (you must expand the OBJECTS node), or in the graph area. The Edit Functional Object edition box is displayed. 
    If need be, modify the object name. 
    Another way to edit a component is to right-click it, and select Object.1 object>Definition.

  2. Repeat the same interactions to create another object (Object.2).

    Your CATSystem file is created.