Edit Tool Path

Before using any of the functions below, the tool path must be computed. These functions can be accessed in the tool path contextual menu once the corresponding operation has been locked.

Point Modification: either move or remove a point on a tool path.
Area Modification: edit an area on a tool path. You can select areas of the tool path by using:
  • one point on the tool path and deciding whether you want to use the portion before or after it
  • two points and deciding whether you want to use the part of the tool path that is between the two points or outside of the two points
  • a contour and deciding whether you want to use the part of the tool path that is inside or outside of the contour
  • a polyline and deciding whether you want to use the part of the tool path that is inside or outside of the contour.
Split on Collision Points: split the tool path so that different portions of the trajectory can be machined with cutters with different tool lengths.
Translation: apply a Translation transformation to a tool path.
Rotation: apply a Rotation transformation to a tool path.
Mirror: apply a Mirror transformation to a tool path.
Reverse: reverse a tool path.
Connection: connect tool paths.
Change Approach and Retract: add or remove approaches and retracts in a tool path.
Check Tool Length: check a tool path to identify all the points where the tool holder collides with the part.