Removing Detached Material


  Stock Analysis is only available if you have an NC Manufacturing Verification product license.
During the material removal process, chunks of material may get detached from the stock. You can pick any of the unconnected material belonging to the stock and delete it after the simulation has been stopped. This functionality eliminates false collisions that occur when unwanted chunks remain after being detached from the stock.

Click Stock Analysis in either the Process Simulation toolbar (while the simulation is paused) or on the Stock Management toolbar, when no simulation is in process.
  1. In the Analysis dialog box, click Remove Chunks .

    The Delete Material dialog box appears.
  2. In the 3D view, select the parts to be deleted.

    The selected parts change color.
  3. Click OK in the Delete Material dialog box.

     The unwanted material is deleted.
If there are no chunks of material from the stock and the command is invoked, the following error message appears: