Create an Axial Operation 
on an Axial Machinable Feature

task target This task shows you how to create a Counterboring operation using an axial machinable feature. 
task target You can make use of one of the Counterbored Hole features created in the Globally Create All Prismatic Machinable Features task.
scenario 1. Select the Manufacturing View icon in the Machining Features toolbar.

Use the Sort by Machining Features contextual command to display the desired view.

2. Select a Counterbored Hole feature in the view.
3. Select the Counterboring icon . The Counterboring dialog box appears.
The operation is initialized with the feature geometry as well as default parameters for machining strategy, feeds and speeds, and tool.

 You can edit any of these values, if desired.

4. Select the Tool tab page and choose a suitable Counterbore tool according to the feature characteristics displayed in the Geometry page.
5. Click the Replay icon to verify the tool path.

6. Click OK to create the Counterboring operation. The operation is added to the Manufacturing View and to the program in the PPR tree.

end of task