Access to External Tool Catalogs

task target This task shows you how to customize access to the following external tool catalogs:
  • CATIA Version 4 Manufacturing database under ORACLE or DB2/6000
  • TDM (Tool Data Management) database under ORACLE .
CATIA Version 4 Manufacturing relational database (ORACLE)

Please note that the V4 database must be used as the server and the V5 session must be running in client mode.

scenario 1.  Declare the UNIX server on the client machine.

The client machine should have a client ORACLE installation (for example, on Windows it may be installed on c:\orant).

The Unix server machine should be declared on the client machine, the tnsnames.ora file (for example, in c:\orant\net80\admin) should be modified.

  • The string MACHINE_NAME should be replaced by the name of the Unix server machine where V4 database is installed.
  • The string SID_NAME should be replaced by the name of the ORACLE SID name of V4 database installation.
  • The string PORT_NUMBER should be replaced by the port number used for the ORACLE installation.

Please contact the ORACLE administrator to locate the file.


     (ADDRESS =
       (PROTOCOL = TCP)
       (PORT = PORT_NUMBER )

2.  Customize the ...\intel_a\startup\Manufacturing\Database\CATIAV4NC.ini file of your CATIA V5 installation to define the default values for the connection.
  • The string DatabaseType should be set to ORACLE.
  • The string DatabaseName should be set to MACHINE_NAME.SID_NAME declared in the tnsnames.ora file.
  • The string User should be set to the Unix user who has access rights to the V4 database
  • The string Password should be set to the password of the Unix user who has access rights to the V4 database.
  • The string ProjectName should be set to the name of the V4 database project to be connected.
  • The string CDMADictionary should be set to the name of the CDMA dictionary used for the V4 database installation.


DatabaseType = ORACLE
DataBaseName =diva.AIX
User =catadm
Password =db2adm
ProjectName =MfgResources
CDMADictionary =CATIA

CATIA Version 4 Manufacturing relational database (DB2/6000)

Please note that the V4 database must be used as the server and the V5 session must be running in client mode.

scenario 1.

Declare the UNIX server on the client machine.

The client machine should have a DB2/6000 client installation. 
The UNIX server machine should be declared on the client machine. The following commands have to be executed by the db2 administrator of the client machine:

CATALOG TCPIP NODE nodename REMOTE hostname 


nodename can be the name of the UNIX machine where server installation is done

hostname is the name of the UNIX machine where server installation is done

database_name is the name of the database on which the V4 database is installed.

2. Customize the ...\intel_a\startup\Manufacturing\Database\CATIAV4NC.ini file of your CATIA V5 installation to define the default values for the connection.
  • The string DatabaseType should be set to DB2.

  • The string DatabaseName should be set to the name of the DB2 database used for the V4 database installation.

  • The string User should be set to the UNIX user who has access rights to the V4 database.

  • The string Password should be set to the password of the UNIX user who has access rights to the V4 database.

  • The string ProjectName should be set to the name of the V4 database project to be connected.

  • The string CDMADictionary should be set to the name of the CDMA dictionary used for the V4 database installation.


DatabaseType = DB2
DataBaseName =SAMPLE
User =catadm
Password =db2adm
ProjectName =MfgResources
CDMADictionary =CATIA

TDM (Tool Data Management) relational database (Oracle)

Please note that the TDM database must be installed and used as the server and the V5 session must be running in client mode.

scenario 1.  Declare the UNIX server on the client machine.

The client machine should have a client ORACLE installation (for example, on Windows it may be installed on c:\orant).

The UNIX server machine should be declared on the client machine, the tnsnames.ora file (for example, in c:\orant\net80\admin) should be modified.

  • The string MACHINE_NAME should be replaced by the name of the UNIX server machine where the TDM database is installed.
  • The string SID_NAME should be replaced by the ORACLE SID name of the TDM database installation.
  • The string PORT_NUMBER should be replaced by the port number used for the ORACLE installation.

Please contact the ORACLE administrator to locate the file.


     (ADDRESS =
       (PROTOCOL = TCP)
       (PORT = PORT_NUMBER )

2. Customize the ...\intel_a\startup\Manufacturing\Database\TDM.ini file of your CATIA V5 installation to define the default values for the connection.
  • The string DatabaseName should be set to MACHINE_NAME.SID_NAME declared in the tnsnames.ora file.

  • The strings User and Password  should be set to catia.


User =catia
Password =catia

end of task